Headcannon #17: Heartless?

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After the other Nordics have fallen asleep, Sweden will lock himself in the bathroom and cry. Most nights he'll slit his wrists and try to overdose on pills, but his body heals incredibly fast, even for a nation. He knows that he's scary. He knows that he seems emotionless and cruel. He knows that he is a terrible brother and father. He wishes he could take back everything he ever said to anyone. Denmark will wake up every night and sit in front of the door, fighting back tears of his own as he listens to his brother cry. He knows that a lot of Sweden's pain is his fault, and the cruel words he said to him during the Dano-Swedish wars come back to him and fill him with guilt. He lets Sweden cry because he knows it's good to let yourself cry once in a while. But....

If he knew exactly what Sweden was doing to himself in there, he would have intervened a long time ago. 

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