Chapter 17

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***7 months later***
Colleen's P.O.V
I am really excited. I am due either this week, or next week. I can't believe me and Josh are actually having a baby. At the baby shower, I got a crib, bookcase, a lot of cloths, wall decor, and some bottles and baby toys. I only had to spend about $200 of my own money so far. I can tell that Josh is excited, but also really nervous. I have been having some really bad cramps at night. But when I went to the doctor, they told me that it was normal and that it was just because I am so far into my pregnancy.

I am now 9 month's pregnant. So, within the week I will be having a baby. Me and Josh said that we should name her Lily. Josh and I bolth have decided that if we were going to have a boy, the name was going to be Noah and if it was a girl that her name was going to be Lily. I am so excited! I'm not really worried about the pain, but I do want to deliver the baby without taking any pain pills or drugs to help the pain. Josh is sitting in the living room, watching 'My strange addiction' I sit next to him and smile, trying to ignore the pain of my cramps. He kisses my forehead and says, "It will be okay," it is almost 8:30 and I find myself exhausted. Me and Josh bolth find our way to our bedroom, and soon fall asleep.

Josh's P.O.V
I wake up to Colleen yelling in pain. I look at her in shock. "My water broke!" She yells. I guickly go over to her side of the bed and help her up. I can here her breathing. "It's okay," I tell her, "Keep breathing," I soon help her down into the car. I don't even know how fast I was driving, but I was definitely speeding. I finally made it to the hospital, and got her inside. "She's in labor!" I yelled. There were several nurse's and doctors that took her into a delivery room. Before I went in, I called everyone including Rachel, Colleen's mom and dad, my mom and dad, my sister, my brother, and some other friends. After I was done, I went in. "Colleen, I just need you to keep breathing, honey!" Colleen looked really worried, so I went over and held her hand. "Push!" Another doctor yelled. I heard Colleen scream some more. I kissed her forehead "One more, push!" The nurse yelled. Within a few seconds, I heard Colleen sigh, and I knew the baby was out. I went to go sign the birth certificate and then went in to see Colleen.

When I went in, I heard crying from Lily. She was wrapped in a pink blanket and crying. The doctor handed the baby to Colleen and I felt Colleen cry with tears of joy. She looked up at me. "We did it," I smiled down at her. She looked back at Lily and sobbed. She wiped away a few tears as she handed Lily to me. I started down at her. She was so beautiful. She had Colleen's eyes. Brown, and big. She was gorgeous. I felt a couple tears running down my cheeks. I looked down at Lily, who wasn't crying anymore and said, "Welcome to the family, Lily."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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