Chapter 8

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I walked out of the bathroom to find Josh sitting on the couch editing a video. "Josh...I'm..." I could barely say the words "Pregnant" I said waiting to see his expression. When I looked at him, he smiled and kissed me. We stood there and kissed for what seemed like hours. "Let's go visit Rachel." He said as I stared at his bright blue eyes.

I went to the bedroom and put on a red shirt and some white jeans. Next, I put on a thick layer of maskara, eyeliner, and lipstick. When I came out, I saw Josh staring me down. "God your proubly the most gorgeous pregnant ladies alive." I blushed and looked away.

When we got to the hospital, I held Josh's hand. "Hi, we're here to see Rachel Ballinger." Josh said looking at the lady. "Yes, room 34." Me and Josh went down a large hallway filled with art and paintings. When we finally found room 34, we went in. When I saw Rachel, I realized that she was still in a coma. I went to her and held her hand. "Oh, Rachel", Just then the doctor came in and looked at Josh. When I realized that he had came in, I said, "Can she hear me?" I had tears in my eyes now. The fact that I had wonderful news that I was pregnant, and that I couldn't even tell my sister, was killing me inside.

"I'm afraid not, Colleen." He said looking down. I lost it. Tears were running down my face like crazy and I fell to the floor unable to breathe. I gasped for air. "Colleen?" He asked. I couldn't feel anything, and then it all went black.

Josh's P.O.V
One moment I saw Colleen standing there crying, and then the next she was on the floor unable to breathe. I had called her name. "Someone get a doctor!!" I screamed. One of the nurse's rushed in, proubly thinking that something had happened to Rachel. "My wife...she fell down..." I could barely say the words as I held back my tears. What If something happened to the baby? No, I wouldn't let that happen. The nurse picked up colleen and sent her to a room in the hospital. I followed behind trying not to get in their way, but at the same time, I was eager to find out what happened. They laid her down on the bed and hooked her up to a big machine.

"She's having a seizer!" One of the nurse's shouted. I slammed through the door. "What the heck is going on?!" One of the other nurse's screamed. "She's loosing blood! I need more towels!" Another nurse came from behind me and grabbed my shoulder. "I'm sorry, sir but you can't be in there while they are doing the operation." She was being very calm. "You can either wait in the waiting room, or come back later." There was no way that I was just going to leave Colleen here. "Okay, I guess I'll just wait."

I walked over to the room and sat down. I had tears in my eyes and I started crying. I cried and cried. I felt like a two year old. I sat there and cried for what seemed like days. I grabbed my camera and turned it on. "What's I'm at the hospital...and we were visiting Rachel...but then Colleen..." I trailed off. I could barely say her name. "Callapsed...and now she is in one of the rooms...and they won't let me go in there while that are operating.." I could feel a lump in my throat as I began to talk. "And I am really worried because Colleen just found out that she was pregnant...and I'm hoping that nothing will happen to the baby.." I saw a plate of cookies next to me and picked up one. "Be nice to people..because you never know what could happen to them.." I ended the video and didn't even edit it, I just uploaded it.

A couple seconds later, there where nice comments saying that people hope Colleen Is okay and I was getting emails saying they hope she is okay, and texts from my friends. It made me smile because there where people in the world that really care about me and Colleen. I felt my eyes getting heavy, and with that, I fell asleep.

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