Chapter 10

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I got to Starbucks, and ordered a Pumpkin spice laté. I had heard that they were really bad for you, but I have always wanted to try one. "Hello, how may I help you?" I pretended to look at the menu. "Can I have a Pumpkin spice laté." She nodded her head, and punched some numbers in the computer. "Yes, that will be $4.99." I fave her my card and she smiled. I sat down until they called my name.

I stared out the window as I thought of Colleen. It made me sick to my stomach to think that our baby would have a birth defect. "Josh?" I heard the lady yell. I went up to the counter to get it. Once I got in my car, I tasted it. Wow, they really do taste good. I just kept sipping and sipping, until finally it was gone. I rode to the hospital, listening to I know I'm not the only one by Sam smith. Colleen would make fun of me and laugh her butt off if she were here. I got to the hospital, and went to the closest nurse. "Hey, do you know If I can go see Colleen wife?" She looked down.
"Just about 45 minutes or so, until they are done with the surgery." She smiled.

While I was waiting, I went to go visit Rachel. When I went in, she was still sleeping. It had been 2 weeks now, and she was still sleeping. But didn't the doctor say a couple of weeks? Had it not already been enough? I asked these questions while looking at her. She was Obiously still breathing. The nurse came to me. "Colleen is out of can go visit her now." I went to room 34, rook a deep breath, and went in.

When I saw her, she had looked like she was really tired. I started crying once I saw her. I touched her cheek gently as I wiped tears from my eyes. She smiled and whispered in my ear. "It's okay, Josh. We will get through this...I promise." I cried even harder. It hurt me so much seeing her in this much pain. I could tell from her voice that she was tired, and weak. She slowly closed her eyes while I sat there, gently stroking her cheek. I could see that her stomach was getting bigger. And with that, we both fell asleep.

Rachels P.O.V
I woke up in the hospital. What the heck happened? I remember being in the car... and now I'm here? This didn't make any sense. I examined my body. I had bruises up and down my body. I was so confused. The nurse came in. When she saw that I had woken up, she almost had a heart attack. She rushed out of the room and brought in 2 doctors. I stared at them, confused. "Tell me Rachel, do you remember anything?" I tried to think as hard as I could. I took a deep breath. "Well, I remember being in a car, and then everything went black..." I trailed off. The doctors looked at me. I thought they were going to say something, but they just stared. "So what happened" I demanded. They all looked at each other.

" You were in a car crash, and have been in a coma for 2 weeks. And you were not supposed to wake up yet, but you did." I looked at them. "Where is Colleen and Josh...and everyone?" I asked. They looked at each other. "Well they are in a separate room..Josh is visiting Colleen.." I almost died when I heard that. It now became hard to beathe. When they did not answer, I lost it. "TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER!!!" I screamed. They looked at there clipboards. They came over to me and tried to settle me down, but it didn't work. "She had a seizer." One of them finally spit out. And with that, they left me there, all alone.

For a long time, I cried. But then I became mad. They wouldn't let me out of this stupid hospital to visit my own sister! And the fact that she was in pain, scared me. I sat there, letting my thoughts get deeper and deeper.

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