Chapter 15

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Josh's P.O.V
~Ring Ring~ I answered the phone, still half asleep. "Hello?" I asked with my eyes still closed. "Hi, is this Joshua Evans?" I stretched out my arms, attempting to wake up. "Yes" I replied, yawning. "Hi, this is Colleen's doctor, Mr. Richards, and I think you should come to the hospital right away." His voice was deep. "Is Colleen okay?" I asked, my heart going a mile a minute. "Yes and no, but you should come as soon as possible." I hung up, and ran out the door, I still had my slippers on. I started my car, and raced to the hospital. When I got there, I went staight to her room. She was sitting in a chair, biting her fingernails. The doctor say down next to her, and pulled out a clipboard.

"Well, since your bolth here, I will tell you what is wrong with Colleen. She has a disease where the baby cannot digest anything. This is why she is throwing up so much. This causes the baby not to grow, because it cannot digest." He turned to Colleen, "You have to take 2 of these pills. This will help the baby to digest. Since you are only 1 month pregnant, you can still have medications that are safe to take." She nodded, and the doctor smiled. "You must take one in the morning, and one at night" He walked out, and left me and Colleen alone. She couldn't help but chuckle because I was still in my slippers. "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" I said kissing her. "Come on, let's go home."

Colleen's P.O.V
We got home, and I was so exhausted. Josh made me some nachos, and shortly after, I fell asleep. That night, I had a dream: I was in labor, and the baby didn't survive. "I'm sorry Colleen, unfortunately your child didn't survive," I woke up sweating and covering my mouth as I cried. Josh heard me, and woke up. "Baby, what's wrong?" I could hardly catch my breath. "I had a dream where our baby didn't make it" His hands went around me, as he hugged me. "It's okay Colleen, it was just a dream," He whispered into my ear. I went to sleep with Josh around me.

Josh's P.O.V
Today, we would find out the gender of the baby. I was so excited. I am hoping for a boy, but I don't really care, I will love a boy or a girl. Colleen woke up and puked. I held her hair, and then grabbed her a cup of water. "Babe, get my the pills" She sounded weak. I grabbed the pills off of the counter, and handed them to her. She walked to the living room and took her pills. I looked at her, as her face lit up. "We get to find out the gender!" She smiled. "I'm hoping for a boy, but regardless, I will love our baby; boy or girl" She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. We wached an episode of General Hospital and then got ready. Colleen took a shower, and I hot dressed. I picked out a sweatshirt and leggings for Colleen, and a red shirt for me. Once she came out, I handed the cloths to her.

Colleen put on makeup and brushed her hair. Then we left. We were going to the hospital, singing in the car. I turned on the radio, and me and her sang along. "Don't stop believein' hold on to that feelin'" this had been the first time back from the hospital that I have seen her so happy. We pulled up to the hospital and got out. Colleen went up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm here for an appointment with Dr. Richards." The lady punched some numbers in the computer and smiled. "You can wait until you are called." Me and her sat down and Colleen fell asleep on my shoulder. I feel so bad for her, all of this pain, and pills. I am thankful for this baby, but I sure is taking a lot of work. "Colleen and Josh" Dr. Richards said. I nudged Colleen to wake up, as we followed her into the room. Colleen layed down, as Dr. Richards applied blue gel to Colleen's stomach. She showed the x-rays and the picture on the screen of the baby. "So as you can see, this is the leg," She pointed at something that looked like a chicken leg. "And here is the heart moving" This was so amazing, you could see our baby moving. "And as you can see, the gender is..

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