Chapter 14

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Colleen's P.O.V
I woke up and felt like I was going to throw up. Quickly, I looked around the room to find a bathroom. I pressed the nurse button and started to sweat. I couldn't hold it anymore. I attempted to get up and find a trashcan. I found one in the corner, and puked. The nurse rushed in. "What's the matter?" She asked, worried. "I threw up. I need a doctor." I felt like a 5 year old that told their mom they threw up. By this time, Josh was up.

I clenched my fingers around the garbage can. What was wrong with me? This was Obiously not normal. Josh walked over, and asked if I was okay, I shook my head. He turned on the light, and sat in the chair. We sat in silence for what felt like hours. The doctor came in, and I was relieved. He sat down next to Josh, while I sit on the edge of the hospital bed. "Colleen, I think we need to take some x-rays. You are only two weeks pregnant, this is absolutely not normal. We need to do some research on what could be happening." I nodded my head and he led me to a room filled with big machines, no art like the other tooms, just machines.

They took some x-rays, and left the room. I clenched josh's hand the whole time. When they were done with the x-rays, I fell asleep in the arms of Josh.

Josh's P.O.V
Thoughts raced through my head, I didn't know what to do. Almost like I felt sick. Colleen was sick, and I know that the baby is not okay. I couldn't handle it anymore, it made me sick watching her in pain like this. I decided that I knew what to do, I took out my phone, and dialed colleen's parents number. After the third ring, it went to voicemail "Hi, this is Josh, well Colleen is pregnant, and she is very sick. Don't be mad, she wanted to tell you, but she has just been in the hospital a lot, and been sleeping more. If you want to visit her, we are at the hospital close to our house. I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. Please call me back when you get this message." I ended the call, and started to cry. It hurt me so much to see her like this. I couldn't take it anymore. I decided I needed to relax, and go home for a while. But what about colleen? I couldn't just leave her. I decided I would visit her tomorrow.

When I got home, I felt so much better. I first took a warm shower, letting the warm water ease my body. When I got out, I made a grilled cheese sandwich, and watched Netflix. This house reminded me so much of Colleen, the bright walls, the kitchen where she would always have a smile, cooking. The bedroom, where she had her last moments before she left to go back to the hospital. I took it all in, like air. She soked me up, and there was no way out. I know colleen was my soul mate, from the day I saw her. And this is why I cannot loose her. I bit slowly on my grilled cheese, and soon fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter, I will make the next one longer. Thanks for all of your support!
-jasmineisfab ♡

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