Chapter 9

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I woke up in the chair in the hospital with my phone in my hand. I looked at the time, it was 8:47 I had slept for almost 9 hours. I looked at my phone once more and saw that I had 210 new emails, and 309 new text messages. Wow, people really do care.

I heard my stomach growl and and went to the bathroom. Once I was done, I saw the nearest nurse and looked at her. "Hi, do you know If I can go see my wife..Colleen Evans?" She looked at me and smiled, "Well, I can go see if they are done with the operation and of they are expecting visitors." She had blonde hair and big brown eyes. I sat down and ate a cookie. I was starving, usually I get up much more early than this and I should have had breakfast already.

So I just waited until she came back. While I was waiting, I read the comments on the vlog that I did yesterday. Most of them were lovely comments sying that they hope colleen and the baby are okay and that they are excited for when the baby is born. I could imagine it in my head, our kids having the best life a kid could have. And I'm going to make that come true. I'm going to try to be the best parent that there is.

I saw the nurse walk up to me. "They will let you in..only because you are family." She smiled and led me down the hall to colleen's room. When I went in, there were machines and rubes hooked up to colleen. The nurse left and I lost it. I started balling like I was 3 again. I sat down next to Colleen's bed and prayed.

"Dear lord, thank you for this day and for my wonderful wife Colleen. Please keep her and the baby safe as they battle this sickness. I ask you to give strength to Colleen as she carries this baby and I hope for a healthy baby. I pray for Rachel, in hopes that she will recover, and hear the great news of our baby. I say these things in the name of Jesus Crist, amen." That was proubly the only time that I have prayed for a while.

The doctor came in with a clipboard in his hands. "Hello, I am doctor sampson, and you must he Colleen's husband, correct?" I shook his hand and nodded. "Well you see, Colleen simply had a seizer, and from what I hear, she had had a lot of seizer in her lifetime as a kid growing up." He looked at his clipboard. "She is going to be recovering for a couple of weeks, but she will be awake, so you will be able to see her." I stared at him. "How is the baby?" He looked down. "Ah yes, the baby. So as you know she is pregnant, and when she had the seizer, the baby was lightly effected. This means the baby might suffer a small injury such as missing a foot or a toe. From the diagrams, If the baby does have a small injury or birth defect, it will be either the legs or something on the foot. We are afraid that she might have another seizer during pregnancy, so she will be on medications."

I took a sigh of relief, good thing it's something small I thought. The doctor looked at me. "Any other questions?" I shook my head and he held out his hand. I shook it, and he left. I checked my phone. It was 9:23 and I was really hungry. I decided that I would go home, and make something to eat, or just go to Starbucks and then come back to the hospital. I saw a nurse on the way out and tapped her shoulder. "Hi, can you maybe call me when Colleen Evans is awake.... if im not already 34?" She wrote down Colleen's name on the clipboard, and nodded her head. I grabbed my things and went to my car.

When I got home, I made myself a turkey sandwich with some patato chips on the side. I sat down and watched a show on Netflix. I was trying to loose weight, but right now, that's not what I'm worried about. I scarfed down my sandwich, and slowly ate my chips. This felt more like a lunch, then a breakfast to me. When I was done, I took my plate to the kitchen and washed it off. I grabbed a banana on my way out before shutting the door and turning the tv off to go to Starbucks.

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