Chapter 5

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I woke up with Josh beside me. I didn't want to wake him up so I carefully went to the kitchen. I looked in the cabinets and decided I should make some breakfast. I was REALLY hungry.

When I looked in the cabinet, I found some pancake mix. I also found some chocolate chips. So u decided to make chocolate chip pancakes. After I measured the ingredients, I put them on the stove. It smelt really good. After the pancakes were done. I sat got some syrup from the fridge and ate.

By the time I was done I had eaten 3 pancakes. Wow. I must have been hungry. I thought. When I got done I went in our room to see if Josh was still sleeping. To my surprise, he was.

I couldn't remember what happened last night. I remember I went to bed, and then I was talking about something....I can't remember exactly...

I saw Josh come out of our room. "Morning. Baby." He said with a smile. "Morning." He sat down next to me and ate some pancakes. "What happened last night?" I asked "Um. Well we were in bed and you were talking about how you wanted to have a baby." "Oh." I said. "Then what?" I asked. "Then you had a couple glasses of wine and so did I...but I can't remember the rest...." He trailed off.

I went in my room and got dressed. I picked out a red shirt that said,"coffee first " and took of my pants. And put on black jeans. Once I was done, I didn't put on any makeup because I was going to record a miranda video.

I left the room and sat next to Joshua on the couch. "U want to go see my you want to come?" I asked " Sure." He said with a smile.

We got in the car and the first thing he did was vlog. "What's up Internet? Hey, dingleberries. So me and colleen are going to visit colleen's sister in the hospital. She was in a car accident. Okay guys, I'll talk to you when I get back."

We went in the hospital and went to the front desk. "Hello, how may I help you?", the lady said. "Hi um I'm here to see Rachel Ballinger." She typed some stuff up on the computer. When she was done she looked at me and said, "Room 146." There was know way I was going to find that. "Um where is that?" I asked "Down the hall and take a right. The room should be on your left." She said with a smile.

When we finally got to Rachels room after getting lost, I saw that the doctor was in her room. "Hey, how is she doing?" Joshua asked "She is healing quite nice actually. We can see progress." Whew. Thank god. I was worried she wouldn't heal fast and then she would have to be in the hospital for a long time.

I looked at Rachel. The doctor was right, she did look a little better. There were still large blood stains on her and bruises all over her body. As I was looking at her, I started to cry. I cried really hard this time. Once joshua saw me he grabbed me in his arms and said, "it's okay colleen. We will get through this. I love you and that's all you need to know. Everything is okay. I'm right beside you." I saw tears from in his eyes. I kissed him through both of our tears and whispered, "It will be okay. I love you." We held each other close. The doctor left, proubly no knowing what to do or say. All that I wanted to think about was Josh. And how much he cared about me.

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