Chapter 6

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On the way home, Josh was vloging. "Hey all of you dingleberries, I am back from the hospital." His eyes were red from crying so much and I had water forming in my eyes."Now we are going to Starbucks to get some coffee, so I'll see you all later." After that he held my hand the rest of the way home.

When we got to Starbucks, I ordered a cappuccino and josh got a Pumpkin spice laté. "So....I have been thinking...I kind of want to start a family..." I trailed off not knowing what to say. We had the money, and I wasn't planning on doing any more shows for a while. "Yes. That's great Colleen. I feel the same way." Oh thank god that I got that out of my system.

Just then a guy with a big nose came in. I looked at Josh and I could tell he was trying not to laugh. I covered my mouth and tried to look away. The guy must have noticed because just then he came over to our table. "Is there an issue?" He questioned raising his brow at Josh. Josh tried to look him in the eyes without laughing. "Is it my nose perhaps?" Josh didn't answer and neither did I. He must have wanted an answer because he lifted up Josh's pumpkin spice laté and slammed it on the ground.

"What the heck?!" Josh yelled "Oops sorry." He said with sarcasm Josh's eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. He punched the guy in the nose and grabbed my wrist with a tight grip. Just as we were about to leave Josh turned around and said, "Oops sorry."

On the way home, we were both silent, but I could tell that Josh was thinking about what happened at Starbucks.

When we got home he set down his keys and looked at me. "Netflix and chill?" I smiled, "Yass!" I went to my room and got on a tank top and black leggings. When I came out Josh was on Netflix trying to find something good to watch.

I sat down next to him as he scrolled down. "Ooh. That looks like a good one. " I said pointing at the movie Step Brothers. "I haven't seen that one." He clicked on it and we began to watch it.

About 3/4 into the movie, I fell asleep on Josh's shoulder. And when I woke up I could see that there was 2 minutes left. He looked at me and smiled, "Sleep well?" I looked at him, "I'm hungry." "Okay, let's get pizza!" He said exited. Josh pulled out his camera and started vloging. "Hey guys, so we just got done watching Step Brothers. And I thought it was pretty good but of course Colleen fell asleep." He pointed the camera at me. "I was sleepy..." I called pizza Hut and got two medium sized pepperoni pizzas.

"Well anyway, it was a very interesting movie...but I liked it." Josh smiled at the camera. "And now colleen is ordering some pizzas." I looked at the camera "PIZZAS!!" I said in a really weird voice. Josh cracked up "Okay, so I guess colleen is really exited about her pizzas." I started laughing and embarrassing myself. There was a knock on the door. I looked at Josh "our PIZZAS are here!!" I got up and went to the door. "That will be $25.27." He said getting out the pizza boxes and handing them to me. I got out my check book and gave him $30 for driving here. I handed it to him and he gave me a smile. "Thank you ma'am." I shut the door and set down the pizzas on the counter.

"Come and get your pizzas!" He shut off camera and stood up. "Wow this looks good." He said smiling at me. I went up to him and kissed him. "I love you." He looked at me and said, "Love you to babe." He pulled our his camera and pointed it at the pizzas. "Looks like some good PIZZA!" I smiled at him and he turned his camera around so that is faced him. "Well, that's it. Remember be nice to people and oravwa" me and him put our thumb in our mouths and did a peace sign.

JoshleenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora