Chapter 12

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Colleen's P.O.V
"You can be released today" one of the nurse's told me. Yes! I finally get to go home! Whew! "Oh my god! Thank you so much!" She smiled but then frowned. "If you have any problems, you need to make sure that you come back...your baby could be in danger." I nodded and she smiled. I got out of the hospital bed and took off my white hospital gown. Then, changed into my jeans and a sweatshirt, and walked out. I was so excited to actually go home! Yay! I felt like a 6 year old that just got a bike for Christmas.

I called Josh, he was at the house, and said he was going to pick me up. I waited outside the hospital. When he came, we drove home in silence. I couldn't wait to go home. I opened the door. "Welcome home, baby" Josh said with a smile. The whole kitchen was redecorated. Before I got pregnant, I was talking about maybe getting a new kitchen. Like the style of it. It was so beautiful. The while kitchen was a mint green and a rose red. There where new kitchen utensils. New knifes, silverware, and new cups and dishes. It was so beautiful. I couldn't take it all in. I started crying tears if joy as I covered my mouth. I examined the kitchen once more, before turning to him and kissing his lips. They were soft and gentle. I wrapped myself around him. He let go, and I stood back up. I looked at his big dark eyes and whispered: "Thank you."

I woke up the next morning, with the smell of bacon and pancakes...and eggs? Wow. He really wasn't joking when he said that he was going to help out while I was pregnant. I Tip toed to the bathroom and washed my face and went to the bathroom. I opened the door, and found Josh there, cooking up a storm. When he saw me, he smiled. "Morning, baby. How are you feeling?" I smiled. "Better." Last night, I had gotten up 4 times. I puked, and I had massive cramps. Josh tried to help me, but it didn't work. I was afraid that I might have to go back to the hospital if it gets really bad. When I was little, up until I turned 6, I always used to have seizures. They were worried that when I go through labor, I might have a seizer, and the baby might not make it alive. That scared me and Josh a lot. We tried not to think about it as much, and so did I. That's proubly why Josh is trying to help out as much as he can.

I went to Josh. "Did you film any videos, or tell anyone that I was pregnant?" I asked when we were eating our breakfast. "Yeah, I filmed one video in the hospital. Don't worry, everyone in the comments wrote nice things, and I got really nice emails. I looked at him, being serious now. "Did you tell my parents?" He looked at his eggs, before taking a big bite. "No" He swallowed. They came to see Rachel. Oh yeah, they went on a business trip. They always had business trips once a month, we're they would go and sell shoes. My mom made boots, and my dad designed hiking shoes. I took a bite of my pancakes. " They are on a business trip, I will call them later tonight." He nodded his head.

I brought my plate to the kitchen. I was about to clean it off, but of course, Josh took it from me. "Why are you being so nice?" I asked. "Because you are pregnant, and I know that you are going through a lot." "Yes, but you don't have to do all of this," He nodded. "Yes I do, Colleen." I went to the bedroom and got dressed. My belly was getting bigger. So, I put on a pair of miranda sweat pants, and a big sweatshirt. I put on some red lipstick and some mascara, before leaving the room. I found Josh, and plopped down next to him. "I want to cuddle." I wined. He got up, and got his camera. "Okay" I frowned. Sometimes I liked it when Josh vlogged, but other times, it was just annoying. I didn't want to say anything because he has done so much. He pulled it out. "What's up Internet? Hey all you dingleberries. So as you all know, Colleen is pregnant. We are cuddling and she is really tired, because she just got out of the hospital." He pointed the camera at me, but I put my hand in front of it, blocking the view of my face. "Well, this is going to be a short video, because I haven't made a video in a while. Remember," He pointed the camera at me again. "Be nice to people" I groaned. "And oravwa"

He turned off the camera, and I fell asleep in Josh's arms.

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