A dreamless dream, in fact.

All that was running in my head was occupied by what might happen later.

I seriously need to relax.

I just need time for myself, right now.

Hoping that whatever happened before, wouldn't occur this time.

That'd be a miracle.

We're like opposite creatures.

Before I knew it, the massage ended and I was lightly being shook by the lady who was massaging me earlier.

I yawned and stretched, feeling a little bit better.

At the very least, I got the chance to sleep.

When I walked out of the room, completely changed to my casual clothing, I noticed that it was already dark.

I didn't even notice.

And, that dreadful time came.

"Ready to go home, Lucy?" Erza asked with a raspy voice.

"Yeah. It's now or never." I responded with a hoarse voice I never thought I could produce, that it even made me chuckle.

Levy-chan was staggering, rubbing the sleep off of her eyes, it was beyond adorable.

We walked altogether towards Erza's car and I sat on the back.

Erza drove quietly and we decided to drop Levy-chan to her house, first.

As soon as we stopped in front of her house, we woke Levy-chan and walked her to the gates of her lovely two-storey house.

Levy-chan opened her front gate and remained standing outside, waving us off.

Then, Erza drove towards a hidden suburban area of Magnolia.

I sighed heavily and looked outside the window.

"Relax, Lucy." Erza soothes and I nodded.

"Keep remembering what I told you... Things changed when you left." Erza continued and that made me relax a little bit.

About a good thirty minutes' drive, a mansion started to come into view.

I was nervous.

But, I calmed myself down.

I can do this.

Things changed when you left.

Things changed when you left.

Things changed when you left.

That calmed by nerve down and we reached the mansion's gate.

Erza honked at the two huge driveway gates and it automatically opened.

She silently drove towards the Mediterranean-designed porch and parked the car in the East vast part of the mansion.

Turning off the engine, she turned to look at me.

"Are you going to be okay?" she asked and I nodded.

"This is my home. There's no helping it." I gave her a small smile and she hugged me.

"it's going to be okay... Trust me." She murmured and released me from the neck-breaking hug.

I nodded silently and removed the seatbelt.

"Do you need me to walk you inside?" she offered and I shook my head.

"I think I can manage." I laughed and she smiled, nodding.

I stepped out of the car with my luggage behind me.

Sighing deeply, I walked towards the front door.

I was about to ring the bell when the door automatically opened.

We both looked in wide eyes and the person before me was speechless.

Despite her monotonous movement and expressionless face, I could see the happiness in her eyes.

"H-Hime?" she gasped and I dropped by bag to give her a warm hug.

"I missed you, Virgo!" I cried and she rewarded that hug.

We both caught up and Capricorn joined in, greeting me with a hug, as well.

They helped me with my luggage towards my room.

They've prepared English tea and we chatted inside my room.

Our conversation was running smoothly, until I started yawning.

"Lucy-sama, you must rest. You've just returned from a long journey." He scolded ad I pouted.

"But, I wanted to chat more!" I frowned and they laughed.

"We've got all day tomorrow, for that." He stated and I sighed in defeat.

"Alright. Alright." I stated and they both bowed down, leaving my room.

I started walking towards the bathroom and bathe for a bit.

As soon as I was done bathing, I walked out of the bathroom and wore my silky black nightgown.

I sat on the bed and started rearranging my stuff.

"I thought it was just an imagination earlier." Someone spoke from my bedroom's door and I looked to find him, leaning at my door.

I froze.

"Good to have you back..." he slowly mutters, wearing a small smile, with sad longing eyes.


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