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It was a long walk, the sun beating down on their backs every inch of the way. Sweat soaked through each shirt making the journey even more miserable. Rose brought up the back trailing behind everyone at a steady pace. Winston was unstable swaying back and forth with his steps. She was able to see it, whatever it was that Winston was fighting, it was beginning to win. A cough would regularly appear from his burning lungs making everyone stop to give the boy a rest. 

Most of the time Rose would keep her eyes locked on the ground. Her feet were an irritated red color again, the heat bothering them beyond belief. Suddenly though, something drew her attention away from the fallen city around them. "Thomas!" she called to the front making everyone stop. They all turned to look towards her, "Can you guys hear that?" the words slipped from her mouth. She could hear a rumbling, almost like an engine from a machine. 

That is when it hit her, Thomas seemed to realize it too. "Everyone hide." 

Everyone took off like a shot, eyes aimed towards a raised slab of concrete. They all climbed under as a large flying ship passed over them. "They're looking for us." Theresa hissed studying the machine. 

Rose just laid in silence looking ahead to the city. It immediately made her heart sink at the sight of the buildings. Everything was so similar to her, and seeing this place brought one name to her mind. Scotty. 


"A little further!" Thomas yelled over his shoulder towards the others. Using all four hands and feet they pulled themselves up the large mound of sand, Winston falling back alongside Rose. It was a tough incline, and with the soft sand causing them to sink deeper each step seemed to get more and more difficult. 

After so long though, they reached the top. Each standing tall staring at their destination. The Mountains were far away, their silhouettes lined in the distance by the setting sun. Standing between them and the Right Arm, was the long stretch of desert. It looked almost impossible to cross, but then again they didn't have much of a choice.

Newt looked over to his left to Rosanne, her eyes were dead set on the distant mountains along side everyone else's. The soft hot air blew her stray blond strands back and forth across her face. She stood so tall, dirt plastered across her pale skin. His heart skipped a beat taking all of her in. Her chapped pink lips, slowly tanning skin, long legs, tight stomach. The ripped up sports bra clinging to her shoulders, the butt of the pistol resting in the back of her waist band. They had one shot left, one shot to get them out of some situation. 

Reaching forward, Newt took her hand in his causing her to look in his direction. A soft smile slowly spreading across his lips, and almost immediately she returned it with a nod.

Suddenly however, right next to Newt, Winston crashed. His body sliding down the dune from exhaustion. Newt had let go of her hand crashing at his side to hold him from the sand."Winston, Winston!" Newt called to his friend's now unconscious body. 

Instantly Rose tore off the back pack and pulled out the water bottle. Then, reaching forward to Newt's shirt she tore off the bottom part of the hem and poured water on it. "He over heated." she spoke quickly placing the now wet cloth on his forehead. "We gotta get out of the sun, cool him down."

Thomas looked to everyone of his friends as Rose worked to cool him down. They were all exhausted and surely they covered enough ground for the day. Everyone deserved a break. "We all do. We should find a place to stop for the night." 

Looking upwards from Winston Rose sighed glaring around them. Then finally, she let out a long breath. "Yeah, I know a place. It's nothing fancy, but it will give us cover from anything in the air, and we can see around us for a while." 

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