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"Rose?" Newt asked in complete disbelief. "Oh my god... Where are you love?"

Rose's heart dropped though, the door next to her swung open. The woman from before stared at her violently. Quickly, she motioned towards the paper.

With a hard gulp, Rosanne sent one last look to her friends before holding the paper closer to her face. "Greetings candidates from phase one." Her voice cracked as she looked to the woman in confusion. The others looked just as confused as her. "Congratulations on your achievement of escaping the Maze. You have officially graduated from your class and are moving to something much greater." Rosanne looked upwards to her friends.

"Rosanne..." Minho stepped forward. "What are you saying?"

Rosanne's eyes began to water and her throat tightened. "As you may have known, my disappearance and death in the Maze trials was nothing more than a test." The panicked expression she wore floated between the woman, her friends, and the paper. "I am nothing more than a technological figment programmed into your imaginations." Her words became more rapid. "A machine, a program, an experiment for testing the minds of the candidates of the Maze."

"You're lying!" Newt screamed through the device.

"This isn't her." Theresa chimed in. "They are using her."

Rose continued, her hands gripping the clip board tighter and tighter. "I am pleased to announce you will be moving onto the next phase. As you may be unaware, the sun to our planet had increased in both size and power. This caused radiation to affect our Earth's atmospheric levels. Contamination took place throughout the human race creating a disease known as the Flare. It attacks the central nervous system, but you will be pleased to know that you are all a step towards the cure. Your wits, courage, and strength will help us to fight this battle, and overall in the end, win the war."

Rose looked further among the paper, the next words to fall from her mouth though... It broke her. "I am afraid to tell you that I will not be continuing with you onto the next leg of your journey." The panic on her face flew towards the woman.

"Ro, what are you saying?" Newt asked.

"My duty here as a catalyst will no longer be needed. Please know that it has been a pleasure directing you on your journey, and I wish you the best of luck in the Scortch."

Rose's breath hitched as slowly a panel to her right extended from the wall. A small black pistol resided inside. At the bottom of the page were two words, Shoot Yourself.

Instantly her hand flew to her mouth and she let the tears go. Her entire body began to shake. Numbly, Rose dropped the clipboard to the ground. If she didn't, every one of them would be killed. Everything she cared about would be wiped from the face of the Earth...

With her shaking hands, Rose reached forward grabbing the pistol. As soon as she did, it was in view of the camera.

"Whoa, whoa, what's she doing?" Minho asked pointing towards her.

"Rose love, where are you?" Newt tried to delay her. "Put the gun down and tell me where you are. We're coming to get you." Rose just shook her head blinking away the tears. She wasn't listening to him. "God dammit Rosanne don't do this! Please!" He yelled to her.

"I don't have a choice..." She whimpered shaking her head. In one swift movement the barrel was pushed flushed against her head and the cold metal shook her soul.

"No, no you do. You just have to wait love please!" He pleaded again.

Rose sucked down her fear. "Please Newt... Just stop." Her voice shattered looking at him. His eyes pleaded her to stop, just like the first time she truley stared into them. Her first day in the Glade. The day she fought Galley. This time however, it was different. She didn't have a choice, she couldn't stop, she had to do it.

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