The Glade

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Everyone was gathered around the fire.

Normally, this type of situation would be brought upon the council and the council alone. However, all of the Gladers wanted a part in it. They saw everything that happened today, they were present for it all. So, there was no excluding them from this discussion. Galley was their leader, so he spoke before everyone.

"We all know what happened today-" he began pacing back forth "-the question is what we are going to do with it. With Her." He pointed towards the makeshift cell block. It's where they had to put her once they patched her up. If she was to wake up in the med tent and nobody was there, there is no telling what she would do. Alby got quite the hit on her.

The entire Glade was quiet, nobody spoke up.

Newt stood with his arms crossed against a nearby tree. The events from earlier today couldn't help but replay over and over again in his mind. The way she ran, how she fought? Then there were her eyes. Every time he closed his, all he could see was the icy blue. That was what he couldn't get off his mind.

Finally, out of nowhere, Minho spoke up. "I don't know what you're all thinking." He turned so everyone could see him. "But I know where my vote stands. She saved my life today. Two Griever's were after me, and she drew them away."

"Two?" Alby questioned from beside Newt.

"Two." He clarified. "My back was against a wall, I was trapped. There was no way out until she came along." He stood before everyone, slight anger in his voice. "That girl-" he looked towards Galley. "-killed one and took the other with her. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be standing here in front of you Slint Heads." The entire Glade was silent. "Like I said, my life was in her hands. And if it ever came down to it, I would trust it to be there again."

"What are you saying Minho." Galley cut to the chase.

A frustrated groan took place of his words. "Look, side with me don't. I don't care. But I vote she stays."

A random Glader called from the crowd "Where would she go?"

Shifting uncomfortably, Galley cleared his throat. "Banishment, the cliff." Immediately whispers were exchanged back and forth. "Look!" He called making them quiet. "Even if she did save Minho's life, we have to think about this." Galley rose his hands exaggerating his point. "She is trouble. Wherever she came from, it wasn't from the chute. We know nothing about this girl."

This time, Newt spoke his mind. "Exactly. We know nothing about her." Everyone turned to him as he walked towards Minho. "But we all saw it! Didn't the all of us?" All he got in return were confused stares. "The look in her eyes? I know I did! The girl was scared, and we pounced on her! Who can blame the poor lass for acting like she did?! She was terrified, just like the lot of you were the first day you came out of that bloody chute!" He motioned towards the metal elevator. The Gladers all had a sense of respect for Newt. He was one of the first to come here. Many have died, and the only ones alive since the beginning were him, Galley, Minho, and Alby. Everyone respected them all. "She might be a mystery yes." He sighed. "But that does not mean she's bloody evil! I am willing to take a stand on this one. If she goes." He stared directly towards Galley. "Then so do I."

Everyone but the council mumbled back and forth. The others just stared at him intently. Newt however, stuck by his decision.

It didn't take long before Minho was backing him up. "Im with Romeo." All attention was now on the two. "She's the reason Im even standing here. We don't know anything about her, but we've all seen she can handle herself." Immediately everyone looked to Galley and he somewhat stepped back. "She's worth giving a shot."

Galley let out a long breath taking in all of the Gladers stares. "Fine-" he caved. Reaching in his pocket Galley grabbed the keys and tossed them to Newt. "Here. You're in charge of her." He motioned towards the British boy. "Everyone else, go on about your business. Treat her as one of our own, but do not trust her." Each Glader looked to him with authority. " Now on with you! Everybody!"

Newt and Minho nodded towards one another. "Good that." Turning towards the holding cell, Newt began walking through the night air. Everyone had gone their separate ways.

Anytime there was a Greenie at the Glade, also known as a Newbie, they were assigned a guardian. This time apperantly, Newt was hers.

With cautious steps he approached the cell. Alby had knocked her out with a bloody shovel.

Without even thinking about, newt caught the poor girl before she could hit the ground. The blood on her forehead was enough to send a chill down his spine. Alby really had gotten her good. But the thing that he remembered the most was carrying her to the med jacks. It made him somewhat quiver at just how light her fragile frame was. Something about this Newbie felt different to him, almost like a pang in his chest.

Approaching the cell, instantly he was shocked to find her awake. She sat against the far wall, legs pulled against her chest and head tucked between her arms. He had some questions about her he wanted to figure out, so remaining silent he almost hunkered down to watch her. It didn't last long though. "I know you're there." She called out slowly rising her head.

With a long defeated breath, Newt stepped forward. "How are you feeling?" He took a seat before the bars.

The girl smiled dropping her head against the mud wall. "Like I got cracked in the head with a damn shovel."

"Yeah..." he scratched the back of his heat out of nerves. "Sorry about that."

"If I remember correctly, you aren't the one that owes me an apology." Their eyes locked through the dim light.

"Maybe, but I could have possibly stopped it..." There was a slight tone of guilt in his voice. "Look," newt continued shaking it away.  "the boys and I talked about things."

"Oh did you?"

He sent her a snuffed look. Obviously the girl was a little more sassy than he thought. "We want you to stick around for a bit, see how you do around here. That is if you want."

"And just what exactly is here?" She rose her eyebrows.

"We call it the Glade."

"The Glade?"

Newt just gave her a simple nod. "You'll come with me for the night. Then tomorrow Galley will give you a tour." Rising from his sitting position Newt reached for the keys.

She quickly rose, "Don't strain yourself." Her voice groaned.

Immediately he stopped looking up to her as she reached forward gripping the bar to the door. Then, in one swift motion, she pulled the bared door open and stepped out before him. "A little tip," she spoke towards his shocked state. "next time you should make sure that you lock the door? That was a very heart warming speech by the way. Remind me to thank Minho later." Her lips curled into a slight grin and she brushed past him gently.

She had gotten out? And she was listening to them? Why didn't she just... Run?

Watching her walk ahead in amazement, he swallowed hearing her voice. "Lead the way pretty boy." She motioned.

And with one more curious look her way, Newt stepped forwards and began walking towards the homestead.

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