Letting Go

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A shuffling noise caused him to awake. Sitting up slightly to investigate the source he had to rub the sleep from his eyes to make out the figure. It was Rose, she was searching through her backpack for something.

Turning his head he looked to the window to find it still dark. "What are you doing up?" He groaned causing her to slightly jump. Looking to him she huffed.

"I gotta head out soon, suns starting to come up. I can't find my damn tape." She practically dumped out her bag of supplies.

That's when he saw it again. Her arms were plastered with the black lines. At first he had thought it was some type of dream, but seeing it now he knew it was real. She needed the tape to cover them so that nobody would see. Obviously though, she couldn't find it.

Throwing the blankets from his body his feet touched the ground softly. A tired breath left his lips as he rose cracking his back in the process. Seeing her frustration, Newt walked towards his pile of things and grabbed a red, white and dark green flannel. "Here." He called making her turn around. As soon as she did she caught it mid air unraveling it.

"You sure?" She asked questionably.

Newt just nodded. "Yeah I never use it."

"Thanks." She breathed unzipping her vest and tossed it onto the bed. He again looked away as heat rose to his tired cheeks.

Rose just smiled seeing him do so. But once the shirt was on she tucked its long material into her belt. While doing so she called, "You can look now." To his still hiding form.

Newt turned back towards her as she strapped her knives onto her right thigh and belt buckle. She then set her pack down softly onto the bed filling it back up with water bottles and food. She also crammed some medical supplies inside as well just in case. Once filled, Rose zipped it closed and swung it over her shoulders. Next she approached her bow.

Newt turned grabbing clothes as well. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously looking his way.

"Might as well get up now, sun will be up soon."

"Why?" She swung the quiver over her shoulders.

"What do you mean why?" He eyed her up unbuttoning his shirt to change.

As soon as she saw him doing so she froze, but quickly cleared her throat and shook her head. "Just sleep in for a day. Start that dammed book so you can tell me about it. I'm not a reader but I like stories." She tossed the hard cover to him and he caught it against his bare chest.

Taking a glance at it he looked back to her as she pulled the desk away from the door. Once it was back in its place she gripped the handle looking to him. "Seriously Newton, take a morning in. You deserve it."

Both locked eyes once more. He gave her a stern serious look. "Be careful out there Ro. I mean it."

Giving him a kind smile she nodded. "Yes sir." And with that, she pulled the door open and stepped into the hall. Once the door was closed Newt let out a breath taking a look at the book in his hand. Then, with a sigh he smiled and stepped towards his bed. And in that morning, he took the runners advice. Newt slept in, and read.


A cracking noise met her ears as her body collided against the nearby wall. Whether it was the stone or her back she wasn't sure. But the damp liquid now colored her blond crimson tinted hair. "Come on!" Minho screamed grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet. Both tore away from the screaming beast as fast as they possibly could.

"Which way?" He asked.

"Left, left go left!" The beast reached forwards slamming his claws into the wall just above their heads.

Dashing as fast as they possibly could she hissed pushing him forwards grabbing her arm. "The suns going down, we have twelve minutes to get back!"

"What are we going to do?!" He yelled looking backwards towards the pursuing beast.

She didn't even look though. "Run!"

Everyone was crowded around the opening. All of the runners had made it back except for Minho and Rose. Newt was in a panic just like everyone else. The doors were going to close soon, and there was no sign of either.

Both Winston and Finn stepped forward towards the opening. Instantly though Galley stopped them. "No, nobody's going in there."

"They could be hurt!" Winston motioned into the Maze "they could need our help!"

"They can handle themselves!"

"You don't know that Galley!" Winston hollered. "You've never been in the Maze! Anything can happen out there!"

"MOVE!" Minho's voice made them all turn towards the Maze. There they were, both Rose and him sprinting as fast as they could.

Everyone crowded around as they entered the Glade relieved that they made it back. "What in the bloody hell happened?!" Newt asked seeing the blood on her hair line.

Together Minho and Rose stumbled to gather their balance before everyone. The hands on their knees supported their body as they heaved for air.

"The Grievers they-" Minho started but was cut off by a screech. Everyone froze as the world around them shook.

Once everyone had shifted, their eyes rested on the black monster. It's feet stumbling towards them and eyes focused on the boys.

Rose stepped back staring at the beast, the doors weren't closing... It was going to get in.

She stared down the beast as everyone backed away in a panic. For some, it was their first time seeing a Griever. It was nearly on top of them, so in a panic, she pushed Newt away from her and made everyone spread out. "Move! Get out of the way!"

They did as she said watching as she strung her bow aiming towards the oncoming beast. The only way to kill it was the back of its head, and she did not have a clear shot. Letting the first arrow go to draw its attention Minho knew it wouldn't work. "It won't work Ro!"

"I know!" She hissed. Instantly the girl took off across the Glade, everyone stepped to the side watching as the Griever entered the Glade ignoring the others. She was its target, it wanted her.

Her hollers made all the boys look to her, stares of concern and fear being sent her way. "Come on! Come this way!" She pleaded waving her arms.

"Ro, what are you doing?!" Newt yelled from behind the beast, but Minho quickly covered his mouth holding him in place.

She backed away ignoring Newt's question. The Griever let out a loud screech. Seeing its shoulders tucker down and its legs tense, Ro knew what was going to happen. She stumbled over her own feet as she sprinted towards the other opening of the Maze.

It's feet jammed one by one into the soft dirt as she nearly crawled for her life.

Newt tried breaking away from Minho's grasp to help her. "Let me go!" He hissed.

"I can't man, she'd kill me."

"She'll be dead! Please!"

"No... I'm sorry..."

Rose was across the Glade now entering the other opening of the Maze. He tried fighting his way to her, but Galley held him back as well.

Eventually she entered the Maze, there was no time to turn around. As soon as the Griever was inside behind her, she was sprinting away from the Glade.

Somehow, Newt managed to break free of the boys, his body sprinting across the Glade rather quickly. Minho charged after his friend seeing the potential chance of him making it through the door. So, in a large bound he tackled Newt to the ground so he couldn't move.

"Let me go!" He struggled to break free once more.

"It's over Newt!" Minho yelled down to him. The stretch of the Maze was now completely empty and Newt stared at it painfully. "There's nothing we can do! She's on her own... She'll come back. Just wait... She'll come back."

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