Cut Your Losses

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Sitting around the fire Rose rested snuggle into Newt's side. His eyes drifted away every now and again to his friends conversations, but his overall attention was on her. Rose stayed slumped into him, right hand twirling an arrow back and forth between her long pale fingers.

Chuck was sitting a reachable distance from her talking up a storm. All the other boys admired her for her toleration, however it was nice to her sometimes. Just being able to hear him ramble on about absolutely nothing helped her get her mind off of things.

There was a hard stare that Rose couldn't shake though. Peeking up from her dark lashes and blonde hair she locked eyes with the Greenie. He was always watching her... It was almost obvious that he felt something too, they knew one another.

The fire was like any other, boys wrestling and hollers and shouts. Her playing the guitar became a normal thing, every now and again they would ask her to sing. But tonight she wasn't feeling up to it. All she wanted to do was stay right up against Newt, the warmth of both the fire and him comforting her.

They imaged the couple others always noticed, but yet they never officially claimed the other as theirs. It was obvious to everyone else. The way they looked to one another in times of need said one of two things. Either they knew eachother before the Glade, or they immediately clicked. From her flashes of memory however, she knew it wasn't the first one.

"No way! That's great kid!" Minho screamed causing everyone to quiet down, even Chuck. Rose hadn't even noticed that the newbie tried getting in the ring. It only ended up with him on his butt though. However him hitting the ground seemed to spark something. "His name is Thomas! He remembered his name!"

Immediately everyone broke out in cheers, excitement taking over every one of them. Thomas's face lit up in happiness, but hearing his name made Rosanne freeze. Newt caught on immediately. Only he knew about the voices other than her, and he was the only other one that knew that one of the voices name was Thomas... "Have you heard it, ever since he got here?"

"No..." She whispered back. "Neither one of them."

Biting his lip and nodding Newt sighed. "Best to just let it settle for now, see what plays out."

Rose stayed against him, her eyes studying the boy. His name put a whole new perspective on things. She definately knew him now, before they told her to wait. They said she needed to wait for them. That means the end was just beginning... Now they needed one more. All they needed was Theresa.

Newt understood all of her thoughts. He could tell she was thinking by the way she stared at the boy. So, scooting her lower against him and more in front, he began to relax her. She layed still, head on his leg as he combed his fingers through her hair.

The boys were used to it by now, but Thomas of course sent them a longing stare. More specifically her. Newt caught onto it immediately and didn't like it. So, grabbing her hand with one of his he made sure to stake his claim.

Thomas and Newt locked eyes for a short while, but after a quick nod Thomas went about his own business.

As the night passed the party raged on. Match after match in the ring became the hype, and quickly rose lost interest. Soon enough, she was completely passed out against Newt's side. Before she wouldn't show the slightest amount of exhaustion before the guys, but now she let it go. Every now and again a prank would be pulled, but she trusted the boys with her life. And with Newt right there, she wasn't worried for a moment.

Looking down to her unconciouss body Newt smiled and brushed her blonde hair away from her face yet again. Then, with a long draw of breath he supported her back so she sat up. Once positioned he scooped her up in his arms and she immediately curled into him. "Taking her in already?" Galley asked. "Little early ain't it?"

"Yeah, little soon tonight." He grunted. "But she is completely out." Turning her to face the group it made them all smile and shake their heads.

"Think she'll sleep through tonight?" Minho asked.

Rose was not having good sleeping patterns. Ever since Charlie the girl wasn't able to sleep past three hours. "Probably not, but I have my hopes. Let her get as much as she can tonight. I'll be back."

"Alright. Night Rose!' All the boys called out to her making Newt role his eyes. When the girl slept, she bloody slept. There was no waking her, unless that is she was under some sort of danger.

There seemed to be a switch within her. Something she could flip on and off in a heart beat. It was when she was a survivor, and when she was simply Rosanne. There was sheer and utter difference visible between the two.

Entering the homestead Newt was careful carrying her to their room. This had become a normal routine, so he memorized when to turn her and when to not. Once he had her settled in bed though, the boy took off her weapons and boots. Soon enough she was under the covers and curling into her familiar ball.

"Goodnight love." He smiled leaning down kissing her forehead. She would be safe in the homestead for now, and by the time he got back she would probably be awake.

Exiting the room Newt let out a breath looking back towards her once again. She told him to let go, to just fall. And God damn was he falling bloody hard.

Thomas watched Newt carry Rosanne off towards the homestead. His eyes studied the way he cared for her... "Their like two pees in a pod those two." Minho Rose his finger pointing to the disappearing pair. "Inseparable."

"So cut your losses kid, you ain't got a chance." Alby smiled.

Immediately Thomas shook his head, "no... It's not like that. She's just, familiar."

"Eh she is to all of us. Guess because she's the only shanking girl here. Gives us some recognition." Galley grunted from his food.

Keeping his thoughts to himself Thomas went back to observing all of the other boys. He knew her somewhere, somehow.

That is when the idea struck him. Thomas needed to get her alone, and if he was going to do that he knew there was only one way. She would have to train him, she would have to teach him. In order to get her away from Newt, she would need to be in the Maze. Thomas new his position for the Glade, he needed to be a runner.

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