The People That Matter

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Newt stood at the end of the hall as Minho approached. "What are they doing?!"

Ignoring Newt's question he turned raising the gun towards the two. Everything slowed down in Newt's eyes. Out of nowhere both Thomas and Rose were dashing down the hall, hands flailing back and forth as they feet pounded beneath them. Bodies poured through the door they were just leaning against and collided with the other infected. They all stumbled onto the ground, soon picking themselves up to chase after Rose and Thomas. 

"Hurry!" Theresa pleaded from behind. 

Both were running to the fastest of their capability. At a neck and neck pace together they thrashed to gained ground until eventually she began to pull ahead. Minho rose the gun firmly in Thomas and Rosanne's direction firing off four shots at the closest infected. Piling in one by one Winston held open the door as Thomas and Rose pushed themselves inside. As soon as they were inside Winston dashed in and pulled the door closed behind him, before he could close it though an infected's arm jammed the door. The rotted torn up fleshy hand clung tightly onto the ankle of Winston pulling him onto the ground, soon more and more hands held onto his pant leg pulling him further into their grasp. 

"Winston!" Rose dove forwards and away from Newt clutching onto the boy's hand. She firmly planted her feet onto the nearby wall and began pulling with all of her might. For the time being it was her against all of the infected. 

Soon enough Minho pried off the dead's hands using a nearby block of rock. As soon as Winston was free the thrashing boy was pulled on top of Rosanne, his cries of pain echoing around them. Seeing Winston was away from the door both Newt and Minho jammed their shoulders harshly into the door sealing it closed. Once the lock was in place, everyone was pulling Winston and Rose to their feet. 

"Keep moving!" Thomas yelled letting go of Rosanne's hand. Together they lead the group through the building and were eventually met with fresh air. "We need to hide, now!" She commanded looking around. Everyone immediately listened to her command and took off towards an edge. All of their feet scrambled down the steep hill, soon their bodies coming to a stop at the rough rock at the bottom. 

They all crowded into one another listening to the door they had just come from open. Screams riddled the air and immediately Rose crouched before everyone pushing her finger against her lips. Everyone looked to her listening carefully, the only thing they could now hear however was the heavy breathing and beating of one another's hearts. 

Rose closed her eyes catching her breath, hands wrapping around her sides from the burning pain. Both Minho and Newt stayed at Winston's side trying to keep the boy quiet. Staying next to Theresa Thomas wrapped his arms around her keeping the panicking girl still and calm. Aires on the other hand remained crouched next to Rosanne, both looking to one another. 

Watching as Theresa buried her face into Thomas's chest, Rose sighed walking back towards the ledge. The screams of the infected had ceased, so something had to have happened. Quickly she moved from her crouched position towards the ledge where she was able to pull herself upwards and over the side. She observed their surroundings carefully. All of the infected were scrambling back and forth, noses in the air trying to track down their scent. 

They had no idea where they were. Thank god, they had lost them. 

In a swift motion she slowly began to lower herself from the ledge eventually letting go to fall a short height. Again, motioning for them to be quiet, she crawled towards them. "They are still up there, but they don't know where we are. If we stay quiet and stay down, they won't find us." Her voice was at a low whisper. "We can stay here until morning." 

Everyone nodded slowly settling down into the dirt. Rose crawled towards Minho, Newt, and Winston. Winston was bad, claw marks all over his body. They had gone deep, blood seeking through his clothes. "Here" Newt called averting her gaze from Winston. 

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