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Moving at a brisk pace, she kept right at Newt's heels as he led her deeper and deeper into the Glade. Stares were shot their way, but she expected it. There were a pair of eyes missing though, ones that she remembered distinctly. "Where's Minho?" She cooed softly taking Newt's side.

"He's what we call a runner." The boy answered back. "They leave right away in the morning and run the Maze all day long. Then they come back and map out everything they remember in the map room." His finger rose towards a building embedded deep in the trees. Looking away and back towards the Maze though, her arms, legs, and entire back began to tingle as she eyed the opening. She could feel the walls changing last night as Newt slept. But keeping her feeling to herself, she shivered and kept moving.

"Morning Greenie!" One of the passing boys called to her.

Instantly she shot a confused look towards Newt. He just chuckled looking towards her, "It's what we call Newbies to the Glade, and since you don't have a shanking name, its what you will be called."

Soon Alby and Galley stood before them. "Morning Greenie." She was greeted by Galley's voice. Newt looked to her and they both let out a grin. "You ready for your tour?"

She just nodded consciously putting her hand to hang on the string that was normally against her chest, but again she was disappointed to find it missing. Alby saw this and stepped to the side. "Oh here.". Reaching down towards a nearby log he picked up the familiar weapon handing it towards her, her bow. " We figured it was your sense of...comfort. It's the least we could do from the whole you saving Minho. And the ugh..." He trailed off touching the top of his head.

"There are no arrows, we still have those. But we figured you could just keep that for now. Maybe work your way back towards them." Galley instructed.

She just nodded in appreciation. This was her most prized possession and the way that they looked towards Newt, she knew that he had something to do with it. She would have to thank him later.

"Alright so, I'll be showing you around. See where you would be most comfortable working if you decide to stick around. Even though we're all pretty sure just which one you'll be best at."

He was right. She knew her place here would be a runner. However, in no way did it mean she would be staying. Her plan was to leave. Just like Minho, she knew that Maze more than she knew herself.

With that she turned to Newt, and with one final nod she began following Galley as he made his way across the field. Alby and Newt soon went off to do their own thing. Her tour had began.


The Glade was simple in her mind. She learned all of its jobs rather quickly. There was farming, building, cooking, and of course the runners. She had met almost everyone as well, they all seemed to welcome her with open arms. Suddenly though, walking through a group of boys one collided shoulders with her harshly making her stumble backwards. He however, just kept walking. She stared at him in amazement as Galley spoke up next to her. "That's Charlie, he went through the changing a few days ago before you showed up. He hasn't been the same since, nobody is."

With a shake of the head she bit her lip as Charlie looked back in her direction. An angry expression was plastered across his face. She kept her eyes locked on his as Galley called for her to move on.

This caused Newt to look upwards from the gardens. Eventually though, letting out a long breath she huffed and continued forwards. Newt made sure to send Charlie a look as well.

There was one thing that she noticed after so long. She was the only girl. "What happened to them?" She stopped Galley mid sentence as he was talking about the dead heads. (The grave yards)

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