The Fourth Rule

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Weeks had passed since the whole Charlie episode. Most of the boys carried on, but Rosanne was not the same. She was more quiet, kept to herself more. The only ones whom really saw her as how she used to be were Galley, Minho, Alby, Chuck on the slight occasion, and of course Newt.

Mapping out the Maze was a bit more complicated than they originally planned. Rosanne was way more self conscious now. The markings went everywhere.

The only one allowed to be in the map room during those types of sessions was Newt. On occasion, when Newt wasn't available Minho was. That however didn't happen alot, neither her nor Newt felt very comfortable with it. Let alone did they feel comfortable doing it themselves.

The one upside to revealing her markings though was the fact that she no longer had to hide them. Letting her arms show freely with her vest Rose went on with her day of exploring the Maze. It was a pretty relaxed day, nothing special happened. And seeing as today was the day a new Greenie came up, they would be back by mid day.

Walking back side by side Minho and Rosanne made small conversation to pass the time. His hopes of the Greenie being an Asian girl hadn't gone anywhere. She would just roll her eyes and smile.

Reaching the Glade Rose sighed seeing everyone about their own business. Galley was making his way across the field and towards them. "How many have come back?" Minho asked.

Soon Chuck was jogging to their side, his chunky legs carrying him towards them. "We're just waiting on Ben and Winston." Galley informed him. Quickly the two began dispersing away as Chuck kept Rose company.

"Did you find anything out there today?"

"Not today kid." She smiled adjusting the strap on her back pack so it was higher up on her back. "Who knows maybe tomorrow. We'll see."

"What's it like in there?" Oh great. Twenty questions begins.

Looking to the boy she spoke somewhat quiet. "It's stressful. Looks just as you see it from the Glade. But when you're in it, it's a different feeling."

"How so?"

"Well the Grievers for one thing. You don't know where they are, but somehow they know where you are."

"How do you get away from them?"

"Well you can do one of three things. Run, which is what we do most of the time. Grievers mostly travel in groups, every now and again you get a straggler. But most of the time they are together."

"But they're so fast?'

"But we're smarter. You can't be afraid of them, it's what they want. Two, you can hide. If you're ever in the Maze, you'll see these vines along the wall. Get enough distance between you and the Griever you can hide in them. They'll mask your scent. Survive off them too. Cut them open, eat the pink gel. Follow them to the water." Chuck nodded listening to her advice. "And three, you can fight them."

"Fight them?!"

"The back of their heads, that's their weakest point. Get them there and they'll go tumbling."

Her fingers moved in a rolling motion. "Good to know." And just like the wind he blew into the next subject. "I'm so excited for the Greenie."

"Whoa whoa easy there tiger. Can't go passing on the name just yet! Sure we're all excited but until they come up, you're still our Greenie!"

Chuck's plump cheeks curved into a smile. "Okay..." Suddenly both looked forward to see Newt walking their way from the tower. Chuck instantly stopped walking. "Ugh, I think I'm going to go find Minho. I'll talk to you later Ro!"

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