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Locking hands together Rosanne, Newt, Thomas, Theresa, Minho, Winston, and Aires all stared into the harsh winds of the Scorch's sand storm. It was a new world out there, a world they had never experienced before. Leaving this facility would mean leaving anything they have ever known. Any technological advances towards seeing the Glade ever again. All of their friends, the potential burial for the fallen. For Chuck, for Galley, for Alby, Ben, Finn... For everyone. 

Swallowing down the fear within them though, each one clung to the other tighter. "We stay together." Thomas called over the wind. "Don't get lost!" 

Nodding they sent one another a reassuring nod. Then, with one last huff of air, they were pushing through the winds and towards the far dune. Rose's feet burned with the hot winds as her bare skin dug deep into the sand. Soon sirens sounded across the desert and lights flashed through the thick wall of dirt around them. Engines quickly chased after the sirens.

Together the Gladers worked their way up the large sand dune. Newt took up the back, Rosanne before him. Minho helped sandwich Rose, clutching her hand and pulling her forward as Newt pushed her from behind. The two worked together to keep her moving. She wasn't getting left behind, they wouldn't let her.

Rose shielded her eyes from the harsh winds around her. Sand cut deep into the top layers of her bare skin. As strongly as she could she dug her toes deep into the sand to hold her in place. The sand storm was brutal, brutal for everyone. Soon enough however they were moving at a quicker pace and sprinting across the desert.

As time passed, eventually they got over yet another hill and Thomas hit his knees hiding behind it. Everyone else quickly took his side. They looked back towards the moving lights, engines zoomed back and forth. WICKED was out on ATVS and looking for them.

Rose didn't bother to observe. Instead she pulled her sore knees to her chest and tucked her head within. The wind was horrible. Her pale skin was red and irritated from the harsh sands. Newt could see her flinching with every gust, so crawling towards her he put a leg on each side of her body and sheilded her from the winds.

"Thomas man!" Minho whispered making everyone look to him. "We gotta stop soon. I don't know how much more Rose can take."

Thomas looked to his friend. She was huddled beneath Newt, eyes closed and hands over her head. Just seeing her hands made him swallow. They were scrapped and red, dirt sticking to the open wounds. "I know, I know just let me think."

"May have to think a little faster." Aires motioned towards the ATVS. They were coming their way...

Suddenly Theresa was up and running the other direction. "Over here!" She called.

"Theresa wait!" Thomas yelled as he took off after her. Everyone else soon followed except for Newt and Minho. They remained looking to Rose.

He kept his voice soft, but just loud enough for her to hear over the storm. "We gotta keep moving love."

She just nodded and began to rise. Doing so her breath hitched as her skin burned once again. There was no time though, they were back in pursuit of Theresa and Thomas.

Eventually Theresa stopped at a head of glass windows. "This way!" She commanded before jumping in.

Thomas called for her to wait, but she was already gone. One by one each Glader slid down the long stretch of sand. Once inside though, the winds immediately disappeared.

Rose followed Minho, her body skidding to a halt as he caught her. Right behind was Newt. As soon as she hit the ground the girl was on her knees wheezing for air. "Take a breather Rose." Thomas called back taking in the dark surroundings.

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