"Man, I heard you were in on some deep shit, sold your soul or some crazy mess like that," Lucas mumbles during a pause in the business talk.

"Is that what that phone conversation was about?"

He sits up in his seat, his hand on his waist where his gun sits, "Just tell me straight up. Be a man about it. Are you a snitch?"

"Is that really what you think? You've known me since we were kids man, what the hell make you think that?"

"I heard through the grapevine about the new territories you control, no one gets that much power without doing something big."

"You're right, I did do something big, but snitching ain't it. You can call off whoever you got to follow me."

"That's all I needed to hear."

"Now that we know I'm not some puppet for the pigs lets get back to business shall we?"

The issue is squashed just that quick, Lucas nods in my response to my question and I go on explaining the need for more trusted workers from my side, people I know that are in and out of jail, people that I can give something to do.

"Are you sure about this man? One leak to the feds and this whole operation will be screwed up. We'll all go down in a major way."

"Don't worry about the feds. Just worry about the paper you'll be making."

Something tells me that if I make a call to Damien or Lee they'll handle the police situation. I'm enjoying this new lease on life, exposed to power I never imagined. I'm taking advantage of whatever influence this immortality comes with.

Reese's POV

I'm irritated, what the hell am I doing here again? Back at Damien's headquarters. Dominic has done his deed, he should be the one frequenting Damien's office, not me. I don't want to be bothered by any of this.

I tap my foot impatiently as Monica stares me down, Trent is nowhere to be found after picking me up from the house and escorting me to Damien's office.

"You know, I don't understand why he's taken such an interest in you," Monica mumbles, rolling her eyes.

"What's your problem with me?"

This bitch is testing my nerves, her body language telling me that she's dying to attack me. I want her to come at me, give me a reason to beat her ass.

"My problem is that you're nothing. Yet Damien is practically obsessed with you. You don't have half of the assets that I have, half the strengh, half the prowess, half the looks. Damien took to you like a fly to garbage when he heard that you didn't freak out during Dominic's transformation."

"I held it together, simple as that. I wanted to be strong for him, I couldn't appear weak because that wouldn't help him any."

"Of course you couldn't appear that way, especially after I messed with you about being weak two days before the ceremony."

"It had nothing to do with you."

"Had everything to do with me actually. You realized you probably can't handle Dominic now that he's changed but you're trying your best to act like you can. Tell me: how many times have y'all had sex since he became immortal?"

"That's none of your damn business."

It's been 3 days since he was changed. Counting the day of the transformation we've had sex a total of eight times. Twice the first day and three times the other two. Each time he was rough and possesive, even leaving a few bruises. It wasn't as pleasurable as it used to be but I wasn't about to let her know that.

"I mean has he even touched you since then? If he hasn't he's definitely found better. Not like that's hard to do."

I jump out of my chair and lunge her direction but Damien picks that time to enter the room, grabbing me mid-air and sitting me back down in the seat in front of his desk.

"There will be none of that today. Go away Monica, you're just antagonizing."

She smirks, "Not my fault she can't handle the truth."

She sashays away and I resist the urge to grab her freakishly long hair and pull as hard as possible with hopes I'd yank her head off.

"Nice to see you again Reese," Damien says, sitting down behind his desk.

I roll my eyes, "What do you want?"

He chuckles, "Eager aren't we?"

"More like agitated."

"Let's just get down to it then, I need you to do a few things for me. Well, more for Dominic really."

"A few things?"

"Yes. There are people out here that already want him eliminated. That much power with the snap of a finger? He made enemies within seconds."

"I have a feeling you knew that would happen."

"It's a necessary evil."

"What am I supposed to do about that?"

"Marketing. Talk to the people I specify and show them just how much of an asset Dominic is going to be to the immortal side."

"Why can't you do this yourself?"

"I've made quite a few enemies in my line of work. I'm not welcome in most of the places I plan on sending you."

"Places like where?"

"Is that a yes?"

I think for a minute. I was preaching to Dominic about how he shouldn't be mixed up with this stuff and I'm considering doing work for the very people I'm cautious of. But this is for his safety. I'm all about making sure he comes home to me, being involved enough to ensure that he's back in our bed at the wnd of the day. Who's going to do this if I don't?

"That's a yes."



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