| Chapter 11 |

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It was currently twelve A.M. and I couldn't sleep. But for the first time in weeks, it wasn't due to my nightmares--Which had lessened due to the fact that I'd been secretly going to therapy for it-- or newfound insomnia. In fact, for the first time in weeks, I wished it was because of that. Because my lack of sleep tonight was due to the sounds coming out of my brother's room across the hall. And I lied in bed with a pillow over my head in a failed attempt to block out the moans, wishing for my parents to get home already.

It was Friday-- technically Saturday by now-- and our parents had decided to go out on a date for the first time in years. And,Vincent being Vincent, decided to take an advantage of the fact that our parents weren't at the house and brought home a girl, who I, by the way, didn't have the pleasure to meet.

My phone buzzed from the nightstand next to my bed, and I quickly checked it, wondering who would contact me at twelve o'clock in the morning. I slapped my hand to my forehead when I read a text from my parents that said they wouldn't be coming home tonight. A small sigh escaped my lips as I tossed the phone to the side, not even bothering to reply.

After a few moments, the sound of my phone ringing startled me, and I cursed softly, glancing at the phone on my bed to see that it was Adam calling me. My brows furrowed in confusion as I wondered what he could possibly want at nearly one A.M. in the morning, but I answered anyway, curiosity taking over my body. "Did you accidentally ring the wrong number, or..?"

I was greeted by the piercing sound of a baby crying, the sound spiking up my curiosity even more. "I really hope I didn't wake you, but my mom's working a late shift at the hospital and dad's out with his friends like he always is, and mom put me in charge of taking care of my baby sister but I don't know what to do. She won't stop crying and I've tried everything, I swear, I even fed her a few times, and changed her diaper, and I've done everything I can possibly think could calm her down, but she just won't shut up and it's driving me crazy, and I didn't know who else to call so please help me."

I raised an eyebrow at his little rambling session even though he couldn't see me, a small laugh escaping my lips as I pictured him out of all people trying to take care of a baby. "Okay, I'll be there in a few. Just don't throw her out the window."

Immediately after I hung up, I began to hurriedly get ready, brushing through my long wavy locks of hair and quickly throwing on a pair of ripped high-waisted shorts and a pink tank-top, slipping on my flip flops and dashing down the stairs, making a disgusted face as I passed by my brother's door. Thankfully, my brother'd remembered to leave his car keys in the living room--probably because our parents had told him to share his car with me until they got me a new one-- and I was able to leave without any problems.

The ride to Adam's house wasn't long, it was only five minutes away, in the same neighborhood where I lived. I smiled softly as I remembered the day I first saw him, his curly chocolate-y brown hair--That was now soft and straight-- shining under the sun as he played with his dog, spot. We were just kids, maybe four or five years old, and Adam and his family had just moved into the house across the street. I'd been walking around the neighbor hood with my brother, and imagine my excitement when I saw that the house that was always empty was now occupied, and that there was someone my age living in it. I remembered instantly wanting to be friends with him, and I remembered being really excited when I found out that my parents--Who were apparently friends with his parents-- had invited them over for diner. I didn't, however, remember when exactly we became friends, but I knew it wasn't long after they went over for diner.

I exited my brother's car, shaking my head from my thoughts and wrapping my arms around myself as the chilly wind nipped at my exposed skin, and I instantly regretted wearing those clothes. I hurried my way over to the front door, pounding on it like a mad woman. The door soon swung open after a few minutes, revealing a very stressed-looking Adam that held a small crying baby with a soft pink blanket wrapped around her. "Oh thank God," He muttered, his voice holding the slightest amount of panic as he handed me the baby--Who I remembered he'd told me was named Rose a few weeks back at the park--And I carefully took the fragile little child into my arms, smiling down at the beautiful baby girl as I craddled her, walking into Adam's house.

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