| Chapter 8 |

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The ride to the police station was longer than I'd expected, each minute dragging on like hours. I shut my eyes, leaning my head against the window, wondering what would happen from there. There were dozens of case scenarios running through my mind, all of which ended in me finally going back to my family--Especially my brother. I couldn't wait to see him, excitement bubbling up inside my stomach at the thought of everything going back to how it used to be. Just Vincent, Lillian and I in the house while mom and dad were out either working or doing whatever it was that they did.

As I opened my eyes, looking out the window, I noticed how all of the pine trees slowly faded as we entered the more city part of whatever town we were in, a very small, barely noticeable smile finding its way toward my lips. A few more minutes passed before the car slowly came to a stop in front of a medium-sized brick building that had the word 'Police' placed in blue letters in the middle of the nice looking structure. As I un-buckled my seat belt, though, I began to feel nervous--Which I think was normal for me to be feeling at that moment considering the fact that I'd probably have to make a declaration, and I didn't want to rat them out, regardless of what they'd done to me. It seemed like a stupid thing of me to do, but from what I'd seen, they had gone through enough during their lives, and even though I did hate them with every fiber of my being, I didn't think they needed more misery in their lives, and I believed karma would get them good.

The police officer exited the car, making his way around to my side of the vehicle and opening the door for me, both Lillian and I exiting through that side. We followed him into the station, the officer parting toward the back of the police station after mumbling a quick "I'll be right back." I wrapped my arms around myself, the cold air particularly feeling colder against my bare legs, and it wasn't long before the officer that'd driven us there was back with the chief, motioning for us to follow him into his office where they sat us at the two chairs in front of his desk, handing us each a blanket to cover ourselves.

The chief shifted slightly in his seat, propping his hands on the desk. "So, what happened to you girls?" He asked, his eyes drifting from Lillian to me.

"What was the hotel you two stayed at?" Chief asked, nodding at what I'd previously told him.

"Canyon suites."

"Very well," He agreed, "And did you get to see what your kidnappers looked like at all?"

I immediately shook my head, the part which I was most dreading already there. "No, sir," I answered. I'd already known they were going to ask all of these questions, which was the main reason why I'd been so nervous. Fear seeped through my veins as I wondered if the policemen believed me. "They wore masks at all times, so all I know is that they both had brown eyes," I lied again, attempting to make my declaration more believable. Lillian's questioning glance was hard to miss, but thankfully the chief didn't notice it, and she said nothing about it.

"And do you think you can take us back to said cabin?" The chief asked, his grey eyes fixated on me, causing for me to slightly squirm in my seat, feeling pressured under his scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm sorry, but no," I answered truthfully for the first time. "We were running so fast I can hardly remember."

He released a long, stressed sigh as he nodded at my answer. "Well, miss. . ."

"Arabelle Montgomery," I said.

"Well miss. Montgomery, I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think we're going to be able to find your kidnappers," He said, his voice soft, apologetic. "Can you hand us your parents' phone numbers so we can contact them and let them know you two are safe?"

I nodded, dictating him the numbers that I'd long ago memorized.

After I gave them my declaration, the chief called my parents and informed them where we were at. He also explained they would be doing some investigations to see if they could find our kidnappers, but he doubted that it would be possible considering the fact that I'd given them very little information. Lillian sent me questioning glances here and there, but said nothing about it as the police was present at all times.

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