Start from the beginning

"Which I willingly accepted. Then he told me about you, your secret life, and how you faked your death and because of that," She then slapped so hard that I stumbled to the ground. People saw it of course, so we scurried to a nearby alley.

"Well, I do deserve that for tricking the world about my death..." I said, massaging my cheek.

"Anyways, we decided to look for you and try to figure out what's going on. And by chance, I saw your car speed past us as we got some McDonald's." [YN]'s father smiled calmly but quickly faded. "Back to the question, where's [YN]?"

I lowered my head. The recent memories of how she killed herself right in front of me. The ambience became very heavy for all of us.

"She's dead."

I didn't want to face her father. Not like this. I thought I wouldn't have, but faith didn't let me. I then took out something from my pocket and handed it to him. It was her necklace - the one I gave to her when we went to dinner. She loved it and replaced it with the bullet necklace she wore everyday.

"This is [YN]'s, right uncle?" Carly spoke eyeing the silver necklace with a gold and red lotus pendant.

(We'll just call [YN]'s father, "Uncle" since it's easier and shorter than "[YN]'s dad or father." That took forever...)

"I'm sorry, Uncle... I tried to stop her..."

"Stop her?" He pointed out. Man, his questions are getting harder and harder.

"She killed herself..." I said in a whisper. I didn't want them especially her father to hear those words. Carly gasped while Uncle stood silent as usual.


My eyebrows furrowed when I heard MY phone ring. I didn't realize until now that I had it all along.

"Hello?" I answered, hiding the pain in my voice.

"1hour left, Greyson... Where are you?" It was Gary. So he's the guy who'll be Steven's eyes and ears.

"Somewhere here." I eyed Uncle, but he never held my gaze. He was disappointed and in pain, I think.

"Good... Don't disobey us, Greyson. Remember, your family and her family are our hostages." He replied deviously.

"I won't." I ended the call and handed the phone to Carly. "I'm giving this to you since I won't be needing it anymore. [YN] said you would die to have anything I own." I let out a humourless chuckle.

With a blank face, she took the phone from my hands. "I promise I'll keep this safe."

"I know you would..." Without another word, I disappeared into the waiting crowd near the red carpet.

I swiftly maneuvered through the paparazzi and some screaming fans. Until, I saw the backdoor I scouted awhile back. It wasn't locked so I entered through there. Strangely, no one was there. Hmm... After walking here and there, I reached the dressing rooms and green rooms. Then out of the blue, the once empty hallways was jam packed with assistants and stage hands carrying all different kinds of stuff. I almost got stepped on, but-

"Hey, are you okay?" It was Demi Lovato.

"Ugh... Yes, I'm fine Ms. Lovato." I flashed a smile. "Excuse me then." I tipped my hat and ran towards the stage.

Onstage, Rihanna and Cee Lo Green were presenting the award for Song of the Year. I didn't hear who won because I quickly spotted Gary with Steven up in the balcony; front row. A sly grin was on his face as he awaited for my dramatic appearance onstage.

Applause erupted and Rihanna, Cee Lo, and One Direction were headed my way. Panicking, I stepped aside to let them pass. They didn't seem to notice me so I was relieved. Phew!

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