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"Hi [YN]." I greeted her. She was tied down to the bed for pure purposes. Very pure.

"How-- What-- Why--" She said too sudden, now she's speechless.

"Look [YN] I'll explain soon. For now, you need to rest and rest. The poison is still in your body." I approached her and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

She stopped struggling and laid down. I heard her breathing deeply when I was walking out.

Now, you may be wondering why I'm still alive. Well, I didn't die when Stane strangled me. Here let me tell you...


As my vision narrowed, I was almost to my last breath of air.

"Stane..." I barely let out. He was grinning ear to ear. Stane lost his humanity, while insanity was taking over him. I struggled a little more before blacking out. I thought it was the last blackout I'll ever experienced but, no.

"Greyson?" I heard a faint voice calling me. It was pretty familiar actually.

"Uggghh..." I groaned in pain. I rubbed my neck which was sore all over. I tried to open my eyes but there was a bright light that prevented me.

I heard the voice call me again, a little louder and frantic this time. "Greyson."

I slowly opened my eyes. A silhouette of a man appeared. First thought, "Gary?" I saw the figure shaking his head from side to side. My eyebrows furrowed as my vision became visible.

And just like that I heard myself gasp. Oh. My. God. "[YN]'s Da--" Before I finish what I was saying he covered my mouth.

"Sssshhh. They'll hear you and when they do, they'll arrest you, Greyson." He stated so calmly. But in his eyes, betrayal, hatred, anger, sorrow, and pity - rolled up into one - were seen in them.

I slowly nodded my head. He took his hand off my mouth. "I'm sorry, sir." I lowered my head in shame.

"I know you're sorry." He paused. We heard someone calling his name. We faced each other and we had the exact same thought in our heads. "Go..." He gave me some money and ran. I didn't care what I was feeling or what was gonna be the aftermath of this, I just ran. I ran till I was at the train station.

I first went into the restroom to clean myself up. I was still covered in dirt and some blood. People must have thought I was a zombie or some serial killer when they see me. I had a bag with me with some spare clothes. I don't know where I got it, though. I quickly changed clothes and headed outside looking human again.

I lined up at the counter. When I got to the front, the cashier was staring intently at me. "Where to, sir?" He asked.

I cleared my throat and replied. "New York City." I handed him the money as he gave me the ticket. I gave him a heads up and headed towards the platform.

As I patiently waited for the train, my thoughts ran wild. [YN]'s father knows I'm a bad person, yet he helped me escape. He knows that I am wanted by the government, yet he let me go. He knows I'm the worse guy to be with [YN] maybe even from the start he knew, but he let me be with her.

Loving You Can Be TroublesomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora