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"Me?" A smile slowly crept upon my face. "Nothing's wrong with me, Grey."

He didn't reply but glanced at the Monopoly board game on the floor. I was preparing it because my dad and Carly will be arriving. Then he shook his head.

"No..." Without another word he hoisted me up unto his shoulders like I'm some sort of rice sack.

"Put me down, Greyson?!" I yelled as I struggled to get free. He then placed me gently inside his car - even buckling my seatbelt - he dashed towards the driver's seat and immediately started the engine.

Panic began to envelope me as Greyson drove to God knows where.

"Greyson? Where are we going?" I said barely audible because of the wind blowing through my face.

"A hospital." He replied bluntly.

"Why?" I tightened my grip on the seat.

"Because something's wrong with you, [YN]."

My eyebrows furrowed. "I've told you. Nothing is wrong with me." I replied an octave louder.

I noticed Greyson stiffened with my words and he held on to the steering wheel tighter, making the end of his fingertips pale white. He met my gaze and shook his head.

"What do you mean "no?" My eyebrows creased again.

He took a deep breath. "The pizza you ate had chemicals that would harshly affect you because of the drug and if we don't pump it out soon you'll die..."

My body and mind froze then and there. "Die..." I repeated over and over in my head.

"I assure you [YN]... I won't let you die - not when I'm on the verge of ending my criminal life once and for all." He said wholly taking my hand into his then giving me a kiss on the cheeks. To be honest, me and Greyson haven't kissed "lips-to-lips." But it's alright, just a kiss on the cheeks or forehead makes my heart go all nilly.

"Alright..." I slowly slipped my hand out of his. "Take me to the hospital..."


So it turns out they had to pump my stomach - meaning letting out all the food I've eaten. The doctors said I should stay a few more days at the hospital but Greyson lied saying that "our" parents were dying at home, but they refused. So here I am now in the hospital not allowed to get up from the bed.

"This sucks..." I blew a raspberry.

"It's not so bad, [YN]..." Greyson replied reading a fashion magazine he found beside his armchair.

"What makes you say that? And will you please put the magazine down? It's kinda weird that you're reading something like that..." I hugged myself - feeling a cold draft come in.

He smiled and placed it down. "Well for starters, we're away from that lunatic. Second, we can relax for awhile..."


I watched [YN]'s movements as I laid out the reasons why being here in the hospital isn't as sucky as she thinks it is.

"... And third, it's because you're still here with me..." My cheeks heated as I said the last reason. The ambience of the room suddenly became awkward.

"Ohhh..." I heard [YN] mumble. I slowly lifted my face from the floor, I caught her blushing too; except more redder and cuter.

I cleared my throat. Although, we are far away from the clutches of The Family, they may still track us - preferably me - down. "I'm just gonna buy some dinner for us." I gave her a warning look. "Stay here."

Loving You Can Be TroublesomeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin