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It's already 3 in the afternoon and I still haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

"How can I break these ropes..." I said, good thing no one was around. I tried to wiggle a little but it didn't work. I tried reaching for the ropes to bite them, still no.

"What should I freaking do to get out of here?!" I yelled, then the door swung opened. A smiling face greeted me with a tray full of food.

"You should either break or cut them. That or you have to be dead." He said sarcastically. It wasn't funny at all to me..

"I wasn't asking you..." I said then I turned my attention to the tray. I heard my stomach grumble.

"So, I made you these. I'll have to feed you again. After what you said a while back, your trust level for me is below zero."

"Yours too... Why should I trust you, you lied to millions of girls already."

"Well, that's what happens when you're in this type of business... Now say 'ah." He held the spoon in front of my mouth.

We were silent from there on. The only sound I was only hearing my heart beat and the noise from outside.

"Okay... Get in the bathroom."He announced when I finished eating.

"Why should I?" I complained miserably. I don't know why but I like this. Just the two of us, not talking.

"You have to get ready..." He then untied me and grabbed my arm tightly. He pushed me into the bathroom and locked it from the outside. "You've got 30 minutes, [YN]. I won't regret when I see you..." He joked.

"Shut up Greyson!" I banged the door. I heard his footsteps slowly fading away.

"I can't believe this..." I thought. But I didn't waste my time, I quickly showered. After that I found a blue, cocktail dress inside one of the cabinets.

I checked myself in the mirror. "Where the hell am I going?!" I shouted in my head. Just then the door opened.

"Nice," He stroked my hair and placed a headband on it. "C'mon." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the car.


I handcuffed [YN] before I let her out of the room. I wouldn't want her to escape yet after all. We got into my car and headed to an abandoned building.

"What are we doing here?" She whispered. She was scared. Haha!

"You'll see,sweetie..."

"Stop calling me 'sweetie' Greyson." She kicked my leg.

"No. I like calling my fans 'sweetie' and 'swerheart." I pointed out to her with a sarcastic smile.

"Fine then. I'm not a fan anymore..." She kicked me again. Her kicks were pretty weak actually and it made me chuckle a bit.





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