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I managed to fall asleep even though I'm heartbroken to see that my idol is the one I hate the most.

I opened my eyes to a room that would have been in a princess movie. I didn't open them before 'cuz I was afraid.

"Wow." That was the only word I could think of that time. Unexpectedly, I heard someone open the door. It was Greyson wearing a mask or was it a hood?

"Good morning my dear. How was your sleep?" he asked politely, but his robotic voice made it sound evil-ish.

"Uhm... Good. Why do you care?" Even if he is famous, I have every right to be angry at him. He stole millions of dollars for Pete's sake!

"Cause, I don't treat people like you like hostages, but like guests." He managed to chuckle a bit. What was funny in that, anyways?

"Guests aren't tied to their beds, Greyson." I blurted. We were both shocked at what I just said. Dang it!

"Greyson?" He repeated softly, then burst out laughing. "Haha! You think I'm Greyson Chance? W-why did you think I was Greyson Chance? I'm smarter than him." He said proudly. The hell?!

"Cause I heard you talking with your men or henchmen, whatever. The point is I know who you are and if I get out of here, you'll get your ass kicked by my dad, Greyson." I said, smirking upon what I just said to him. Can't believe I have the guts to say that to him. Way to go [YN].

He was now angry. He headed quickly to me and grabbed my shirt. He took off his mask/hood and the device that was attached to his neck and threw it to the ground-- carpet.

"Listen, sweetie. When that happens I'll make sure that my bullet necklace," he said holding it in his other hand. "Goes straight to your skull, capiche?"

I didn't answer, I just gave him a death stare them burst out laughing. I just love sarcasm. "Haha! Yeah right. You're too sweet to do that." He's now really pissed off. The next thing I knew he slapped me. On the cheek.

"Shut up [YN]! You don't know how capable I am... I'm an infamous robber and you're just a daughter of an old FBI agent, who still hasn't caught up to my tricks. I suggest you better keep your mouth freaking shut..." He rudely let go off my shirt and stormed away.

"You jerk..." I mumbled. I felt tears coming out of my eyes but I just let them fall. I can't believe what has happened to him.


"That girl. Grr. I'll kill her, I swear..." I mumbled after I left her. Troy texted me that I have to be in the studio, but I'm freaking mad and I can't tell them about this.

I then headed to my apartment, where my family usually stays.

"Hey guys." I greeted, trying to hide my anger and hate for [YN].

"Where have you been?! You didn't come home last night? Mom and Dad were really worried about you Grey." Alexa said. A nod was my only answer. I looked around and I caught Tanner watching TV.

"Greyson?" Alexa snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Uhm... I stayed at Jerry's house."

(AN: I just made the name Jerry. I couldn't think of anyone at that time.)

"That's your excuse? Sheesh! Why didn't you at least contact us?"

"I'm sorry... I totally forgot. BTW, where is Mom and Dad?" I asked looking around.

"They went out... You can cook lunch if you want too..." I nodded then she sat next to Tanner.

I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen, I then remembered that [YN] hasn't eaten yet. I don't have anyone there to cook for her there.

Should I give that slut some food after what she said to me a while back? Well, she has a point, I have to take care hostages if I want to make my game a little longer. Okay then, sweetheart, I'll cook you some. But I still hate you and I'll kill you and your father.

I headed into the kitchen to start cooking.




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