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"Good Evening. Here are today's latest news. Another bank was robbed today by 'The Greyhound.' Eye witnesses claim that the way they robbed the bank was like a game for kids. The police have now teamed up with FBI to hunt down the criminal and his gang. We will keep you updated on this story.

In unrelated news, Famous singer, Greyson Chance has now returned from his world tour. He says that it was succesful and that his fans were really crazy. He'll be having a m&g/press conference tomorrow at _______."

I turned off the TV, because my mom was calling me for dinner. I was so pissed yet excited by the news I just heard. Pissed at that stupid Greyhound, I don't know why he chose that stupid name. Excited, 'cuz Greyson's back in the country. And he's having a m&g tomorrow.

*screams like a maniac*

"Dad, when are you gonna put that criminal behind bars?! He's just playing with you!" I angrily yelled at him. I know it's rude but I just can't control my emotions at the moment. I may have ADHD.

"I don't know [YN]... We're still trying to connect the dots. But I promise you soon." He said then bit some of the bread he was holding.

"No talking while eating dinner." My mom scolded us. From there on, we were quiet till after dinner.


"Carly, are you going to the m&g tomorrow?" I said throught the phone. I was in my bedroom now. I already helped my mom with the chores and stuff.

"Of course! Are you finally gonna go?" she sounded sarcastic. Here's the thing, my parents don't like this fangirl thing. They think it's stupid and immature. Yeah, they bought me the merch, albums, and magazines but I still want to get to meet him.

"Let me ask him first... For now let's just say maybe." I chuckled at the end.

"Fine... Then ask him now."

"Okay... Wait a sec." Holding the phone in my hand; I immediately ran downstairs to my dad who was watching TV.

"Dad! Dad! Can I please go to the m&g tomorrow? Please!!!" I sounded like a kid wanting to get a toy. Except Greyson isn't a toy, he's human. Or maybe he is...


"Really?!" My face lit up. But I wasn't totally convinced at what he said.

"Yes." He faced me before contiuning. "You're old enough, and I think it's time for you to meet your idol."he flashed a smile which made me smile too. I'm so frigging happy right now.

"Thank you Dad!!!" I rushed to hug him. Then i headed back to my room in sheer excitement.

"Carly! He said YES!!!" I yelled through the phone.

"OMG!!! I finally get my bestfriend to come with me to our idol's m&g!" We were both squealing in excitement. I love my bestfriend so much. I could probably die from it. Joke!

Our conversation was quite long actually. Let's just say it lasted for an hour or so. We never really run out of things to talk about.

"Wow. It's so late." I looked at the watch. It was already quarter past 11.

"Yeah... We need to sleep, tomorrow we have to be early. Lots of people are gonna be there." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Right. Good night!"


I hung up and threw my phone unto my bed, afterwards I headed to the shower to clean up. This is gonna be fun!

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