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The sound of a siren woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes; just a bit. I saw the contents of an ambulance. There was a lady in white beside me holding her phone while looking out the window. I tried to sit myself up but the instant I move pain spread throughout my body.

The nurse saw me and shook her head. "Don't."

I nodded using my eyes and just stayed still for the rest of the ride. It also gave me time to think about him. Well, I thought he was still alive to be honest but, he was just shot in the shoulder. So, he had the possibility of surviving it but, we just didn't want to accept that possibility.

"Five more minutes, Miss [YN]." The nurse reassured me. I flashed a weak smile and continued thinking about the Steven.


I heard the blaring of sirens in a near distance. I shrugged the feeling and continued comforting Carly. The doctors say nothing is wrong with her and that she'll be awake soon which she is right now.

"Richard, do you know where [YN] is?" She asked, barely audible.

I shook my head. "No, she told me to stay with you. Why?"

"Nothing," she shook her head. "I just feel so uneasy now." She hugged herself. "When I feel uneasy that's when something bad is gonna happen to someone close to me."

The sirens grew louder outside. I excused myself to Carly which she willingly agreed and headed down to the ER.

I saw someone on a girder, she was being pulled in. I tapped one of the nurse's shoulders, she looks like she was onboard the ambulance.

"Miss, who was on that girder?" I asked still eyeing the person who was covered from head to toe in a white sheet.

"I don't know, sir. Some people in Melrose Ave. reported about her. But they said she was the late Greyson Chance's girlfriend." She explained casually.

All of a sudden, in a blink of an eye, in a split second, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head. "Argh!" I exclaimed holding the spot where the pain is the most painful. The nurse quickly called for a girder. They strapped me in and wheeled me into the ER. There I saw [YN], she was unconscious.

What the hell is going on?


I was still awake when they pulled me in the ER. I was aware that someone was pushed to my side too. Guess I'm not the only one who got unlucky. I peeked under the sheets to see a guy. The back of his hand was covering his face, but that's all I saw since he was pulled away.

I heard nurses murmuring. I can barely make out what they said due to the noise of the busy hospital.

"Isn't she the girlfriend of--" I heard one of them say but was cut off by a deafening ringing sound in my ear.

I instantly covered my ears even if my arms were hurting like crazy. I sat up from my place and screamed for my life. The pain I was feeling was too much to bear.

"[YN]?!" I faced my right to see Richard. He was pretty much in pain too, but he shrugged it and came even nearer.

Nurses then quickly grabbed Richard and restrained him back to his girder. He was then swiftly pushed into the farthest corner of the ER. I was still struggling with the deafening sound and the pain of my whole body. I saw a nurse holding a syringe, she quickly injected it into my arm. I was again unconscious.

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