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I had a great time with [YN] during dinner. I got to know her a little more. I wish we could always do this, but with someone on our tails I can't fully concentrate on [YN] or my music career. I wish there was some way I could end my criminal life right here, right now, but no.

"Boss." A guy in his 30s approached me with an envelope. "Here's all the info we got about Steven's real bosses."

"Thanks. For everything." I said as I took the envelope out of his hands. I scanned the papers one by one.

"Don't mention it, Boss." He smiled.

"Please, Gary. Don't call me 'Boss'. You're older than me; call me Greyson." I pleaded with him.

"Alright, Greyson." He then took a seat on the couch which was across the seat I was sitting. "Greyson, I thought you were already out of the gang?" He asked as he took a cigarette from his pocket.

"I am, but I have to finish what I've started - I'm doing this to protect someone." I said, scanning through the files.

"And who is that someone?"

"You know her; you kidnapped her, Gary." I smirked. Then he threw a pillow at me.

"Wow..." He exclaimed, "You must be very guilty about kidnapping her." He meant in a very sarcastic way.

"Nah," I turned to face him. "I'm not. If I didn't I wouldn't have her right now." I gave him a sly smile. He again threw a pillow at me.

"You're crazy." He replied, still smoking.

"Well, I'm not the only one..."


"Hey Dad!" I ran towards my dad. "How was work?"

"Disappointing as usual. It seems the Greyhound has been taking a break from stealing." He sighed. "And how was your day today?"

"Normal. Carly invited a few of our friends here and we just watched some movies. Mom's in the kitchen, by the way." He nodded in reply and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Good for you. And what about you and Greyson?" he asked as we sat on the couch.

"I don't know. He hasn't called me for 2 days now. Maybe he's busy with a new album or something." I scratched my head in annoyance.

Why isn't Greyson calling, texting or tweeting to me?! He wasn't always like this.


I heard the faint sound of my phone ringing beside me. Before I answered the call, I checked what time it was.

"Crap. It's 1:46 in the morning. Who would be calling at this time of the night?" I thought; I then looked at the caller ID.

"Greyson?" I said in annoyance. Who wouldn't be annoyed when someone wakes you up at 1 in the morning?

"[YN], there's something important I have to tell you a-"

"I know you love - I love you too. Now, I'm sleepy as hell. Good night. Oh! Wait good morning." I quickly hung up and turned my phone off. After that I headed back to sleep.


He hasn't called me since then. I hope he didn't get offended by what I said. But I've said much worse before, right?

"Just take it easy [YN]. He'll probably call you later." He patted my head and headed to the kitchen.

"He better or else..." I mumbled to myself.


"This is the place, Gary?" I stopped my car across an abandoned warehouse.

"Yeah. One of Steven's boss runs this joint. A source told me he comes here frequently to check the status of the 'cargo' if you know what I mean." He stated. I took out my binoculars and scanned the warehouse.

"I only see 9 men guarding the outside. Maybe in the inside there are more." I put down my binoculars and started typing down some notes.

"So, what's your plan?" Gary asked with a sly smile.

"Crazy as usual, and it involves murders turned faked accidents." I joked. He gave me curt nod and we headed on our next location.


"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN GREYSON?!" Staci yelled as I entered the studio.

"I was sick. Can't I get a break?" I lied to her.

"You already did - 2 weeks." She approached me with the look. A look where she can just carry me and throw me off a cliff. "Do you want to leave the music business?"

"No." I stared at her with determination. "Just give me time,Staci. The next time I come back here, I'll be ready to write and record new songs. For now, I need to rest."

It took her awhile to give me a reply. "Fine *sigh* Take all the time you need, Greyson. But if this backfires, you know the consequences." I gave her a curt nod and immediately left the studio. Gary was still in the car waiting for me.

"Okay. She's convinced. Where's the 3rd boss' joint?" I asked as I got in the driver's seat.

"A shooting range just outside LA. His name is Pierre Vantillio, they say. He's the 5th richest gangster boss on the streets. Can you really kill them--



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