Hello boys (part one)

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(Lucy P.O.V)

A girl with white wavy long hair comes into the room, she was wearing black leggings with a white ruffle top.

"Hey girls, how did the mission go?" Said the White haired lady.

"It was great Mira, we found the file in record time!" Said Wendy jumping up and down in her seat, giggling while we laughed at her cuteness and excitement.

"Here's the the key stick with the file on" I said as I threw the key stick to Mira. She caught it with ease and plugged it in to her computer.

Erza somehow got a slice of strawberry cake while we were talking.....

"have you heard about the new students coming today?" Erza said while spooning another mouthful of cake.

We all either nodded our heads or said yes.

" I heard they were all boys" said levy while putting down her book.

Mira was still on her computer, looking through the file when she spoke up
"Aren't you girls supposed to be in class right now?"




Wendy covered her ears.....

Mira put headphones on......

All of us except Wendy and Mira.....


You see we have a free period first so that is why we were at the agency to give the key stick to Mira and to hang out with her as well.

We all got up (except Mira she was still on her computer) and ran out of the room, down the hall, turning a few times, while bumping into a few people might I add, and into the lift (elevator).

We are now in English class, waiting for Mr. Gildarts to arrive. (In our normal clothes as well, our clothes change somehow in the lift, don't question it. Also I have no idea how we made it before the teacher)

Juvia was designing in her blue notebook, she kept rubbing out stuff then adding and stuff.

Levy was reading The fault in our stars for the fifth time, I think she was at the part were Gus told Hazel he was going to die because she was sniffling trying to hold in her sobs ( I'm trying not to cry remembering that part)

Erza was writing music in her scarlet red notebook, occasionally looking up to shush someone that's being loud or to threaten them if they didn't listen. All while tapping the end of her pencil on her desk.

Wendy was doodling little mini versions of her cat Carla giving advice on what to Learn or look out for in her notes. Which I find SUPER cute!!

While I was writing another chapter of my book on wattpad, I was writing about these wizards who go on crazy adventures, it's following Lucas and his adventures with his friends Natalie, Eren, Gabriel and wally.

Mr. Gildarts finally arrived with five good looking boys behind him.

"Morning class! Today we have FIVE new students. Boys why don't you introduce yourselves and say something about you as well!" Said Mr.Gildarts grinning like a goofball.

The first one had blue messy hair, he had what seems like a red tattoo around his left eye. He was a bit lean but you could tell he could stand his ground in a fight. He just stood there with a bored expression. He seemed the smartest out of all of them.

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