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"Okay so i heard you suck at bows. We are going to use pistols. You will learn aim. Now. Pick up a gun and aim for the head." Leo said demonstrating.
"Why is this important?" Percy asked.
Doing what Leo said. She crossed her arms.
"You know Percy, swords wont get you through missions. The Ambrosia i gave you took away your sent. Also, Athena knows you are innocent so she blessed you. Shoot three mor times at the heart, head, and torso." Percy had sucsessfully shot the head.
"When?" He asked, shooting. Leo checked her watch.
"Now." A gray aura surrounded Percy.
"Now hand to hand combat. Give me your sword." She said.
"It will return to my pocket Leo." He said smugly.
"Give me the sword." He gave her the sword and it glowed for a second.  She pocketed it and a few body gaurd agents came in.
"Dont kill only knock unconsious. No powers eighter. Go!" She said.
The agents advanced on Percy.
"Im begining to think you are torturing me." He grummbled fighting the agents.

Sry its short but deal with it.

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