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"Anyone wanna spar?" Summers asked. As much of my hostile appearence towards her, i actually respect her. She whipps people in line. No one answered her so she went to the combat ring and practiced her technique. Natasha for sure admired Leo's skill. Everyone did. She never shows any emotion, love or anything to anyone but Fury. She has been afraid of Coulsen since the Kree incident. (Sry for those who didnt know.) Well not exactly afraid since she isnt afraid of anything. She is just uneasy around him.
"Friend Stark, what is the upmost matter?" Thor asked.
"Huh? Oh. Nothing is the matter Thor." I gave him a weak smile and went to jog around the track. Natasha was working with Percy, Steve was punching bags, Bruce was in a lab, Thor went to Asgard, Clint was at the shooting range with his bow, and Leo was practicing gymnastics and hand to hand combat in the ring. Everyone, even Percy, cant beat Capsicle. Only Leo can beat him. Without breaking a sweat. Percy faught him once and almost beat him but he got distracted by something. (Not me.) Leo disappeared and reappeared in her clothes from earlier. Suddenly the alarm rang. Leo looked at her iPad.
"Attack in Times Square. Suit up." She put the divice in her cubby and ran to stock up quickly with amo. She and Clint had never ending quivers. I was jelous. Not really cause im Ironman! I ran to the window, opened it, and jumped out. My suit attached itself to me and i soared high up. Everyone was at Times Square, where a whole bunch of things were scaring people. Leo wasnt wearing armor like Percy.
"Care to join us Stark?" She asked slicing at these huge dogs.
"Yup!" I jumped in. Pretty soon Leo and Percy were fighting back to back like normal.
"Stark, behind you!" Leo shouted. I turned around and blasted the creature. While everyone else was tired and dripping with sweat, scratched up, and bruised, Leo and Percy were clean and not sweating.
"What?" They asked at the same time.

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