Percy: 1 Year Later

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I am now a level 12 agent. Thanks to Leo. The gods think im dead and i love my job. Sure i have to do work but its still fun. Right now im on a plane coming back from a mission in England.
"Our flight has landed. Thank you for flying with us today." The pilot said. I grabbed my brief case and headed off the plane.
At the gate, Leo, my partner, was waiting.
"Come on Tide, Clints waiting." She grabbed my free hand and pulled us to Tonys jet. Once we were

——magical time skip——–——
"So Tide. How was England?" Leo asked. She was wearing a white SHIELD shirt (mine) and a pair of white washed skinny jeans. Her hair was like Piper's but the layers were a little longer. She had purpley blue streaks too.
"Oh it was fine. The women flirted with me." Her smile dimmed a bit. Then went into a frown.
"Oh ok."
"Ms. Skyler, you have arrived." Jarvis said.
"Thanks J. Call me Leo." She answered.
We walked into Avenger Tower and onto Avenger floor. Tony was passed out, Steve was eating with Bruce, Clint and Nat were gaming (Clint raced in to play). And Thor is probably on Asgard or with Jane.
"I leave for half an hour and you guys trash this place. Clint, wake Tony up or get someone to help you. Clean this mess up. Pepper and Nick are coming in three hours. Steve and Bruce! Help them!" She ordered.
"Yes mom, but what are you going to do?" Clint asked.
"Percy has paperwork and i have to fill out my mission forms from when i went on one with Natasha. It better be clean when i get back." She walked off. Everyone stared at me.
"Well. If you want to loose a limb or posably die, i recomend following her." Tony said seriously. I nodded and walked after my partner.

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