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Someone called my bluetooth and i forgot Jackson was here so i answered.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Leo! Where are you! Melody and Steven are downright worried!" Uncle Simon's voice rang.  I bit my lip.
"Sorry Simon. Im not comming home for a long while. I..." I wasnt sure if i should tell him. He isnt on my file. I grabbed a pen and started writing the mission reports for the one i got off of when i went to pick Jackson up.
"Leo! You and Ayden get back here this instant. Or i will call your mother!" I laughed bitterly.
"Simon im not coming home. I got a job and it pays well. Mom, James, Natalie, and Emri are all dead, caught in my ice thing by accident. Ayden is at this camp snoging som blonde girl. The camp is for children like us. My dad wasnt Samuel, Simon. But Ayden cheated on me soooooo. Yeah. Look im busy at the moment with work i need to consintrate. I will call you later. Bye." I swiched coms to my SHIELD com.
"Family issues?" A voice asked. I nearly jumped, but i stayed calm.
"You're one to talk Jackson. You were thrown off of Olympus and disowned." I retort.
"I regret nothing. I will be training." He said.
"Work on aiming your gun. Its getting sloppy and that wont do for a level 12 agent." I called after him.
Ten minutes later Fury walks in.
"Director." I say out of respect. He took me in and made me the assassin i am. He also became the only person i am open to. Jackson is slowly coming around but hes too much like Stark.
"If you are finished with thw papers, hand them to me and train with the rest or hang out with them i dont care. But agents cant be sloppy." I hand him the papers and change into my training clothes. I have a bow like the hunters of Artemis. And a whole bunch of guns, but you know.
"Glad you could join us Summers. Its quite lonley without our dearest mother." Stark mocked.
"Jarvis, pull up current security footage of the Avenger lounge please." I look on my iPad at the clean room. I smile.
"Thanks J." I set the iPad in the cubby marked my name.
"Anyone wanna spar?" I ask.

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