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After our interesting lunch and a lovely catching up, i had to work on Jarvis' mainframe and firewall. Director somehow bypasses it and it annoys us Avengers. Since Percy was blessed with wisdom, he was helping me. In James and my old bedroom, i called Stark on the coms.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Stark. Ive got a while before Jackson and i go out on our mission. Lets work on Jarvis' firewall." I said sitting on my bed, Percy sitting kindof underneath. I was laying on his chest with his arms around me and my laptop on my lap.
"Alright. So whats wrong?" Stark asked.
"Well i was searching through the firewall, and discovered that Director Fury would fry Jarvis if Jarvis didnt grant him acsess. Jarvis answers to anyone in SHIELD sooo. Im going to reprogram him to only listen to select few. Okay?" I said. There was a long pause.
"Alright." He complied. I ended the call.
"Jarvis, reprogram every where you are uploaded."
"Yes ma'am."
"Okay. Jarvis, you may only answer to any of the Avengers, Pepper Potts, and maybe i will add some more people later."
"Yes ma'am." I smiled.
"C'mon Jackson. Its time for the mission. " i said shutting my computer and getting up.

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