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"Agent Summers, Agent Jackson, how is it that my elite team is sweating like crazy, and you two are not?" I asked them. Leo gave a small lopsided smile while her face became red. Percy rubbed the back of his neck avoiding eye contact. Suddenly, Leo was stone faced like normal.
"Sir, demigods have a higher metabalism then mortals. Also ADHD helps. Any missions?" Leo kept a straight face. I nodded.
"In Oregon, a man named Samuel Denger is working for Hydra. You and Agent Jackson must go immediatly." I informed them. They nodded and left. I turned to the rest of the team.
"Who else ships them?" I asked. It was obvious that they liked eachother but you never know. Everyone raised their hands.

Agent Jackson: Level Twelve.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz