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When the two agents walked in closer than usual, everyone suspected something. Stark was messing on Leo's iPad.
"Stark!" She screamed and smacked him on the head.
"Owe moooooooooooooom!" Stark complained. Cue smack. Now he was whimpering. Pepper walks in and Leo growels. "Keep your idiotic boyfriend away from my stuff or you just wont have one." She walks out, Percy hot on her heals, to fill out the reports.
"Clint. What did Tony do?" Pepper askes me.
"He touched Summers' iPad. She smacked him, he called her mom, she slapped him again." A grin slipped onto my face. Just then Fury comes in.
"Wheres Summers?" He asked.
"Mission report room sir." Steve informs him. He nodded and left.
"Gather the team. Meeting in the lounge. Im getting two large pizzas and a personal pizza for mommy. Whooop!" Stark ran to the window to fly to the tower. I laughed and went to tell Jackson and Summers. They were filling out papers.
"Guys, meeting at the tower, in the lounge. Pizza will be served. Leo, the usual personal pizza. Stark called you mommy." I told them. They gave thumbs up and dissappeared. The rest of us took a plane to the tower. When we got there, Leo had grabbed her pizza and smacked Stark. I burst out laughing. She and Percy sat on the couch typing on their computers. Leo and computer coding. At least Fury cant get in.
"This is just a pizza party Stark. Or do you actually have buisness to share with us?" Leo asked not looking up from her work.

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