thirty seven.

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3 months had slowly passed, and Jada found herself thinking about Justin everyday. They talked on the phone and facetimed every night, but she felt like it wasn't right. She just wanted the 3 months to zoom by so she could be in his arms as soon as possible, but it didn't turn out like that at all. Each day dragged on dreadfully, and it felt like every week was taking longer and longer to end. To pass the time, she got a job and rented an apartment since she was about to be on summer break and she didn't want to stay in her mother's house. She knew Justin would be upset that she was spending money, but quite frankly she didn't give a fuck. She went back to Cincinnati 2 weeks early so she could get her apartment nice and settled before she left to travel with Justin.

Justin on the other hand was having the time of his life. He always had an amazing performance and afterwards Scooter and his team would take him out for a drink to celebrate. He remained responsible every time. After going back to the bus or sometimes the hotel to go to bed, he would end the night talking to his girlfriend. One time when he was drunk him and Jada even had webcam sex, and boy did Justin enjoy that. No matter how much fun he was having on the tour, he just wanted his girlfriend to have this experience with him.

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