I laid down on my futon, but just couldn't sleep. Fearing that the terrible events would plague my dreams. Kuroro would curl up next to me, and I would just rub her soft fur. I could hear her purr at the relaxing gesture. I finally decided late into the night or I should say early morning, and got a few hours of sleep.
The sun was shining, and the sky was clear. I got up and dressed in a floral top, with a pink kimono top over it. Then a long dark purple skirt, with a pink Phoenix or flying bird with flowers on the right side. My long brown hair is in a pony.

I was sitting at the small table drawing some pictures. I glanced up to look at the photos that littered the table. This brought some tears to my eyes as they are no longer with me. I am very thankful that Heisuke packed them. I was brought out of my thoughts to a soft knock at my door.

"Come in!" I called to whoever was at my door. The door slid open to reveal Mikki staring down at the ground. "Mikki! Oh please come in," I ushered her in.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you Katie."

"Oh not at all dear," I smiled at her. She came in and shut the door behind her. She seemed a bit nervous, and I was puzzled as to why. "What's wrong Mikki?"

"I was wondering if you would come play with me outside. I would like for you to meet my friends." I smiled at her.

"I would enjoy that very much. After all, it's better than staying inside all day." Her head shot up with a grin on her face to my answer. I rose to my feet and walked out with her. The halls were busy with some servants walking around but other than that it was quiet.

We finally made it outside, and I spread my arms wide soaking in the suns ray's. Mikki pulled on my sleeve and we headed out of the gates, over to a big clear area of grass. There were two girls and one boy standing waiting.

"Mikki!" One of the girls shouted. She was the same height as Mikki. Her hair was dark brown, just a little past her shoulders. Her eyes were green, and she wore a orange kimono.

Then there was the other girl who had long black hair, about mid back. Her eyes were a soft brown, and she wore a pink kimono. She was holding hands with the small boy.

His hair was black and short, his eyes were a soft brown too. He was about knee high to me. He wore a light blue kimono. Mikki and I soon reached them, and Mikki spoke to her friends.

"Hi guys, sorry it took me so long."

"That's alright Mikki, we just got here." The girl in the pink kimono said.

"Guys this is my friend Katie. Katie these are my friends Rin (orange kimono girl), Sango (pink kimono girl), and Sango's little brother Soji." Mikki introduced us.

"Hello, it's great to meet you all." I crouched down so I was eye level with them all. Soji hid behind Sango holding her hand.

"Don't worry, he's shy." Sango said.

"How old is he?" I asked.

"Soji is four, I'm thirteen, Rin is twelve." Sango answered.

"I will be thirteen in a month!" Rin cheered. After a bit we began to play tag and soon other villager children joined in.
~~~~(Heisuke's POV)~~~~
I stood on the hill that peers down towards the village. A little ways from the village was a big green grass area. Many of the villager children were there playing along with the princess. The children had smiles on their faces, and laughter could be heard through the air.

Katie was down there playing all sorts of games with them. I was so focused on them, I didn't even hear Kenji senpai walk beside me.

"Beautiful isn't it." My heart skipped a beat but I looked sideways to see him staring at the scene.

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