34☂ beautiful

416 26 31


Newt got sent to hospital a few weeks after my birthday.

It was warm day, not as warm as the previous few however.
The sun beat down over the Glade, and small signs of the beginning of fall started to appear, like new plants on a dry desert.
They were hopeful.

Newt's fate, not so much.

"It's too bloody hot."

"The weather is perfectly fine." I protest, rolling my eyes a little.

Tugging on Newt's wrist, I wince as I can feel the scar on his pale skin, yet I don't say anything.
We walk, well, it's more me, pulling him along, to a far corner of the Glade's garden.

"Sometimes you must forget, I used to live in England. It's far too hot to do anything, right now." Newt grumbles, stumbling behind me as we make our way to under a huge tree.

"I haven't forgotten. I just think, you know, we should do more fun stuff, since I'm allowed out of my room more." I shrug, my cheeks flooding pink.

I actually just want to spend more time with Newt.
Because I love him more than anything.

I keep on wanting to see him, to remind myself, he's not going to leave again.
He said, he's better.
He's not going to leave me.

"So what are we doing, here?" Newt sighs, turning around and looking at the vast amount of garden behind us, squinting at the sun.

I don't reply, instead I sit down on the crisp grass, crossing my legs.
Patting the ground beside me, I motion for Newt to sit.

"Isn't it pretty, here?" I ask, my mind wandering astray when I look around.
Under this tree, is a great spot. To just, sit and think. It's on a short but sharp incline, creating a view of the whole Glade and garden.

"Yeah." Newt nods, his voice suddenly more sad, and lonely.

"Did you ever go up here before now?" I ask, tilting my head to look at him.

"No." He mumbles, looking at the ground, tearing away pieces of grass. "I didn't exactly go outside much, if at all, until you showed up."

We sit in silence for a moment, while I soak up the beautiful view before my eyes.
I just want to live in this moment. I don't want to go forwards, or backwards.
Just here, would be perfect.
Where it's just Newt and I.

Where he isn't going to leave me.

"Tom! What you doing?"

A voice yells from above, one that I recognise instantly but still it's never hurt me any less to hear it.

I tilt my head up to look at the clear blue sky.
Except the sky wasn't clear, with a giant tree above me.
And a pale, dark-haired girl sat up in the branches, a smirk spread across her face.

"Aren't you so proud?" I sneer, squinting, her body backlight by the sun.
I notice Newt jump a little beside me, yet once he's figured out what's going on, he appears relatively relaxed.

Teresa's been tormenting me, ever since Newt tried to, you know.
She made my life a living hell.
Now Newt's back, thankfully she's kept her mouth shut, only occasionally showing up, and not half as aggressive as before.

"No, Tom. I'm proud of you. For making your boyfriend not leave you, again." She shrugs, yet that smirk still spread across her face.

"Go away." I snap, sulking as I focus my eyes away from her.
"Anyway, didn't I leave you? I didn't come with you to that rooftop. I left you." I turn the tables, speaking calmly, although inside bubbles a hot rage.

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