10☂ try

871 49 11

We'll leave the past in the past,
Gonna find the future.
If misery loves company well,
So long, you'll miss me when I'm gone.


"What!" Thomas hisses, pulling me by my collar into his room, slamming the door behind me.

Only then do I notice how adorable he looks when he's mad.
Word is that all the boys here think Thomas & I are dating, yet we aren't.
Well, I'm not sure to be honest. We're not you're typical couple.

Apparently while I was in hospital Thomas went all quiet and conservative, he wouldn't talk to anyone.
Except Teresa.

The fact that Thomas seems to be in denial that he was the one who strangled me keeps on gnawing at my mind.
What if he hurts me again, and doesn't realise?

Of course I don't give a shuck about myself, however I would never wish for that amount of guilt to be given to him.

"Newt, talk to me!" Thomas shakes my shoulder, bringing me back to reality, a cold and harsh reality.

It occurs to me that the whole time I've been thought-processing I've had a huge grin plastered on my face, how awkward.

"Oh yeah, sorry, Tommy." The smile drops from my mouth, as I look my best friend in the eyes.

"What the shuck do you think you're doing?" Thomas snaps, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Living." I smirk, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Are you really going? By yourself?" Thomas asks, glancing down at the floor.

"Well, yeah." I shrug, yet the words have escape my lips before I take in Thomas' reaction.

His expression turns to disenchantment, making my stomach sink.

"You can come too." I roll my eyes, laughing nervously, taking his hand in mine.

"Good. You crazy klunk head, what the shuck do you think you're gonna do all by yourself?" Thomas chuckles, kissing my cheek.

Crazy? Yes, because taking a violent schizophrenic along with me will be so much better for my safety.

"How we gonna get out then?" Thomas smiles excitingly, his hands beginning to shake.

"It's a deal I arranged with Minho awhile ago. I figured I may as well use him to my advantage." I shrug, Thomas immediately frowns in reply.

"That's not too great, blackmailing him." He mumbles.

"Look, do you wanna get out or not?" I ask, slightly offended by Thomas' criticism to my methods.
I do what I have to to do, nothing more.

He zips his mouth shut, so I can carry on.

"I told him, I know the grievers, and that if he didn't do as I ask I'll send the grievers after him. I've only used it once, for this." A smiles cracks on my face, letting Thomas take it in.

"He's gonna help us escape." I beam, yet Thomas' reaction remains doubtful.

"And then what." He states simply, still however puzzling me.

"What do you mean?" I frown.

"What happens once you get out?"

"I'm going home, back to England."

"England? What's so bad about the Glade? Why'd you have to leave?" Thomas protests, clearly hurt that I'd prefer to leave him.

"I don't belong here, Tommy. This place is for crazy teenage boys who aren't accepted into modern society. Not me." I shake my head, anxiously slipping Thomas' hand in mine.

"How long have you wanted to get out?" Thomas mutters, refusing to look me in the eyes.

"Ever since I got here."

"Newt! Thomas! What's going on!" Janson the supervisor bangs in the bedroom door.

I glance backwards in fear, before quickly slamming my lips against Thomas'.
Pulling away, licking my lips, I smile sadly.

"I'm going Tommy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting you down. I love you, I love you so much." I rush the words too quickly, opening the door.

Janson stands sternly on the other side, "Newt, please go back to your own room." He sighs, moving out the way to let me past.

"Okay, sorry." I mutter meaninglessly, swiftly walking back to my room.

Once I'm back at my room, I lie on my back, staring up at the ceiling, letting the internal questions flood my mind.

Is this the right decision?

Will Thomas come with me?

What if I get caught?

Well the answer to that's easy, I'll kill myself.

I'm going to get out or die trying.

This is not where I belong.

My parents pay huge sums of money to this mental institute, yet not a single part of me feels guilty for wanting to get out.

If all goes to plan, by tomorrow evening I'll be checked into a hotel, right by the airport, ready to fly home.

I'm not afraid to go alone, times like this reflect on one of the many reasons I don't make friends.

Because when I go, they get hurt.
Unless Thomas is coming with me, that's exactly what's going to happen to him.

Finally I find myself drifting off into an invitingly warm yet dark sleep...

I'm awoken abruptly the next morning by a rampage of knocks on the bedroom door.

Practically falling out of bed, I heave myself to my feet, trudging over to the door.

Yawning as I open it, it appears to me as a shock to see Thomas stood on the other side.

He grins from ear to ear before speaking.
"So, how's this shuck storm going down then?"

I'm so tired it's 2 am
I'll check my grammar later

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