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I'll come back, when they call me,
No need to say goodbye


"This is Thomas. He's my boyfriend."

As soon as the words escape Newt's lips, I know we're truly shucked.
I can stomach lurch inside in fear, these aren't even my parents, I can't imagine how fearful my poor Newt is right now.

I grip his hand tighter under the table, he closes his eyes for a moment, biting his lip.
His hand shakes in mine, and I can see the tears building in his eyes.
We both know how this is going to go.

Yet I've never been more proud of him. He did it.

"Excuse me?" His dad seems thrown aback, while his mother just stays completely stunned.
However I'm complete sure his parents understood what he just said.

"You heard what I said? Did you not? I'm gay. Very, very gay." Newt states, his face remaining blank.

His dad bursts into some sort of hysterical laughter and takes us both my surprise.
He's laughing likes it a joke.
A joke.

It's anything but a joke.

"My son's not gay!" His dad retorts, still grinning at the 'joke'.

"Your son-" Newt takes a deep breathe, squeezing my hand "is gay.".
I can see the anger building up behind his eyes.
"Not my son," his dad shakes his head, chuckling.

"Well maybe, I'm not your son!" Newt yells, his eyes glossy with tears.

"Newton!" His mom finally speaks up, leaning forward.

"No." His dad interrupts, "I think the boy is right.".

Newt's mom gives a death glare to his father, before trying to discretely hiss at him.
"He's been getting better! Please, it's unnecessary!" She scolds.
"No, we're going to carry out what we discussed. Time the boy was punished for his actions." His father replies.

I glance cautiously at Newt, he's focused on the table, ignoring his parents.
However the silent tears are clearly streaming down his cheeks.

"Newton." His father clears his throat.
Newt doesn't look up, his eyes don't move.

"We've come to a conclusion, a punishment for your actions. For escaping, for not obeying your programme, and for-" his father pauses, struggling to spill out the words.
"For this!" He gestures towards Newt and I.

For this?
For being gay?
For being with me?

Anger boils inside me, but Newt just intertwines his hand with mine even tighter.
He doesn't look up.

"We are going to disown you, Newton."

Newt finally looks up.

"We're going to completely remove you from our life. We would prefer you to not be in it anymore."

They can't be doing this, can they?

"This means that we shall not fund your living situation anymore." His dad prompts.

It then clicks inside me.
If Newt's parents are paying for him to live here anymore, he's going to have to leave.
He's leaving me.

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