prologue☂ patient notes

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Thomas is 15 years of age, born and raised in a small town on the state border line.
He lived with his mother, as his father abandoned the family when Thomas was 3.

He obtained high grades and was on his school's well-known football team. This was as well as having a small part-time job to help support his mother and the pair's income.

Teresa moved into the neighbourhood a year ago, instantly making a connection with Thomas.
They started dating, while Teresa introduced Thomas into the world of drugs, alcohol and crime.
Thomas' grades began to fall and he gained two incidents of petty theft on his criminal record.

It was noted that when Thomas didn't cooperate with Teresa and meet her demands of crime and drug-taking- she used violence against Thomas.

After 3 months of this drugs and alcohol infused abusive relationship; Teresa committed suicide by jumping off the top of a building, her reasons unknown.

Thomas was severely affected by this major loss in his life. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he claimed that Teresa was 'still with him'. That meaning that he was hallucinating his deceased lover.
There was no harm caused by Thomas' condition until one evening he snook into his neighbour's house and murdered his friend, Chuck.

Thomas made no attempt to hide his crime and instead ran home to his mother screaming "Teresa did it! I told her to stop!".
Doctors identified that Thomas hallucinated that Teresa murdered his friend, whereas in reality it was him.

At court, Thomas was not sent to juvy, due to his mental condition and instead was transferred to the 'Glade Mental Institution For Teenagers'.


Newt is 17 years old, and has been here at the Glade for just over a year now.
Born in London, Newt moved to America with his parents at the age of 13. Leaving all his friends and family behind, he became depressed and anti-social soon after moving.

His parents weren't concerned over his mental health, instead they were focused on Newt achieving high grades.

Slowly shutting himself out from the rest of the world, he began to buy and take drugs at the age of 15 to 'numb' his depression.
With the drugs affecting his brain, Newt also developed OCD, where he becomes agitated and anxious if things are done 'properly'.

At 16 he overdosed on sleeping pills in a suicide attempt, when he didn't wake up, Newt's oblivious parents paid for the best medical staff they could get to bring their son back to health.

They decided to bring him to the Glade Mental Institution so he could 'return to his normal state'.

Written by Doctor Paige, Glade Mental Institution For Teenagers.

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