14☂ mother

652 40 12

Got high from a holy vein
Crashed down in a hurricane
Love has been here and gone


The sky's blacked out, only a dim torch lights our way as we run.

The darkness isn't that bad however, it has it bonuses.
Such as Minho can't currently see the tears streaming down my cheeks.

Sniffing, I wipe my cheeks with Newt's hoodie that he let my wear.

My house is only in the next town across from Newt's house, that's where we're heading.

Minho catches me for the millionth time when I trip over while looking behind me, trying to catch sight of Newt.

"Thomas, he'll catch up. Don't worry." Minho sighs, helping my back steady on two feet.

"Yeah, yeah." I mumble, wincing as I can still see the bright white headlights of the police vans.

We run for a couple more minutes, the tears keep falling down, making me question my decision to break out.
I need Newt.

"Oi! Tom!" A voice hurls from ahead, causing my spring to screech to a halt.

"Shh!" I hiss, desperate not to give myself away.

"What! I didn't even say anything!" Minho snaps beside me, frowning.

"Tom! Hurry up!"
In the dark, I locate the voice to a figure ahead of me.


I fall back into a full-sprint again, taking Minho by surprise.

"Hey! Thomas! Wait up, shank!" He calls, chasing me towards her.

Out of breath, I reach Teresa, who's in her usual black dress and ripped tights, her eyes smouldered with black eyeliner.

"What do you want?" I force out a sneer, wincing.

"Well, there's a lot of things I want." She pauses, rolling her eyes "Aren't you heading to your mom's house now?" She finally asks.

"Ye-" I stop, wishing I could pull back my answer, "I'm not sure.".

Teresa never got on with my mom. My mom never liked her, said she was a 'bad influence' on me.
However when I realised my mom was right it was too late.

"Thomas!" Minho snaps, who's just caught up with me.
"Don't do that again, shank, yeah?" Minho frowns.

I shrug, scanning over the patch of field we've just ran through.

Newt's house is only just visible by the shattering lights coming from the police.

Still no sign of Newt.

"I hope he's dead." Teresa mutters, responding to my thought.

"Shut the shuck up!" I yell at her, tears pricking my eyes.

"Thomas, what is with you?" Minho whispers anxiously.

"Come on, we need to keep moving." He says, patting my back.

Without breathing a word, I break off into a sprint again, Minho follows me, a bit more prepared this time.

"Yeah! Run! Coward!" Teresa hurls abuse at me as I run away from her.
"You can never lose me, Tom.".

Teresa's words still echo in my mind even when we reach my house.

I never had a lot of money growing up.

My mom worked all the time, trying to keep up with the bills. My dad left us when I was little, so he's no help.

I lived in a small and old house, on the outside of town, all my life.

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