8☂ here

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Sometimes we take chances, sometimes we take pills.
I could write it better than you've ever felt it.


"Newt, please wake up. Your mother and I miss you dearly."

I can hear my father's voice cracking into shatters of despair.
Mother takes my hand to the left, placing it in hers, I think she's trying to comfort herself more than me.

I'm still here.
This isn't heaven.

I failed.
No, no, no.
This wasn't supposed to happen.

A whoosh of air enters my mouth every few seconds, I must be wearing an oxygen mask.
Beeping sounds are escaping from whatever's beside me.
I'm in hospital.

I don't want to open my eyes.
I don't want to face reality.
I don't belong here.

I want to be in a coffin, 6 feet under the ground.
Anywhere but here.

My eyes flash open, blinding white light hits me first.
I take a gasp of air, pushing the oxygen mask off my mouth.

"Newt!" Thomas cries, launching himself off the plastic chair beside my bed.

His cheeks are puffy while his eyes are bloodshot.
He loves me. He cares.

"Oh thank shuck you're okay, I'm so sorry." Thomas trembles interlocking his hand with mine.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I rack my brain, trying to think what happened.

He tried to strangle me.
I remember now.
He tried to hurt me.

"It's okay, honestly." I brush it off, sitting up slightly.

"Because it wasn't me, it was Teresa. She got jealous." Thomas smacks his lips together, sheepishly.

"Of what? Me?" I question, chuckling to myself.

"It's serious, Newt. She almost killed you." Thomas folds his arms, yet his mood doesn't last long.

"I missed you," He states, looking intently at the floor while smirking.

"How long have I been here?" I push myself to sitting up properly, taking a first glance around the room.

"About a week, you passed out, and didn't wake up." Thomas mutters sadly.

"Well I'm okay now, shank. Cheer up." I raise a questioning eyebrow at Thomas, before both of both of us falling into laughter.

"I'm fine, Newt. Are you?" Thomas smirks again.

"Bloody brilliant." I reply, as we lean in to press our lips together.

I've never been caught kissing someone by an adult, or anyone for that matter.
Never thought I'd be caught kissing another boy, especially not by my Doctor.

Nevertheless Doctor Paige seems happy to have me back, as she rants on about all the things I missed at the institution on the drive back from the hospital.

It's the evening, just before lights out. Thomas & I are sat in the empty TV room, the TV playing to nobody in the background.

We're sat together on one of the dusty old sofas, I'm sat with my back pressed against the cushion, my feet on the rough carpet floor. Thomas however sat horizontal, his legs stretching across my lap comfortably.

I shatter the silence with a single name, "Teresa."

"Excuse me?" Thomas replies instantly, his eyes widening in fear.

"Who is she?"

"She's made of bad luck, drugs and nightmares."

Thomas' words send chills down my spine.

sorry haven't updated in a while bc ive just been really busy with personal things sorry okay.
this chapter also sucks, sorry.

Shucked Up || Newtmas AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant