9☂ leaving

822 51 17

And as I watch you disappear into the ground
My one mistake was that I never let you down
So I'll waste my time and I'll burn my mind


"But be honest, Tommy, who is she?" Newt squints.

Despite being released from hospital the very same day, he still looks shucking cute.

"Thomas?" Newt taps my arm making me jump back to reality.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I try to pull myself together, pressing my palms to my face for a moment.

"She's my ex-girlfriend." I state, wincing as I wait for Newt's reaction.

"What!?" The word splutters from Newt's mouth in shock.

"My ex-" I try to explain but Newt cuts me off.

"So you're bisexual?" Newt snaps, raising an eyebrow.

"I guess so." I sigh, rubbing my forehead. "Look, Newt. I don't even know anymore. Do you wanna know about her or not?!" I throw my hands up in frustration.

"Yeah, course I do," Newt's tone becomes calm, as he slips his hand in mine.

I scan around the TV room, checking in case Teresa's hiding somewhere.
She isn't here.
Yet she always knows.

I don't want to risk Newt getting hurt again.

But I have to tell him.

"She moved to my neighbourhood about a year ago. We instantly became friends, close friends." I bite my lip, resting my head back on the sofa arm.
"We started dating. She got me into drugs, alcohol and crime.".

"You did drugs too?" Newt questions, interrupting me.

"Not by choice." I furrow my eyebrows, shaking my head.

"Oh, right." Newt sighs, clearing disappointed he hadn't found a new drug supplier.

"My grades dropped. I didn't even go to school half the time. I knew she was bad for me, but I loved her." I squint my eyes, staring up at the ceiling.

"Like a cigarette?" Newt prompts.

"Yeah. Exactly like that."

"What else did you guys do then?" Newt asks.

Tears begin to sting my eyes, while I try to blink them back.

"She used to hit me. Hurt me. If I didn't do the things she did. Drink and drugs." I whimper, looking around, terrified, that she's going barge into the room.

Newt stays silent, his lips sealed.

"It only stopped when she jumped off the top of her apartment block." I sniff back the tears, wiping my cheeks with my sleeve.

"She's dead?" Newt mumbles, grabbing my hand again.

"She killed herself Newt! After all we went through, she left me! She left me!" I snap, flicking my hand off his.

"Tommy, I'm sorry. Okay? It's okay." Newt speaks softly, leaning closer towards me.

"They told me she was dead. But she's still here. She hurt you, Newt. I don't want her to hurt you again." I shake my head, before resting comfortably it on Newt's shoulder.

"But." Newt pauses, frowning "When did she hurt me?".

"When she strangled you, remember! That's how you ended up in hospital! Shuck, Newt, the hospital drugs must of really gone to your head!" I roll my eyes.

Newt stutters as if he's about to speak, but at the last second he clamps his mouth shut.

"I missed you, Newt." I change my tone, keeping my head resting on his shoulder.

"Missed you too, Tommy." Newt smiles sadly, putting his arm around me, making me feel safe.

"Oh, look who's back." Teresa spat, making me jump as I spot her looming in the doorway.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Teresa snarls, taking steps closer towards us.

"Is he?!" She yells.

Newt senses something's not right, and keeps his arm safely around me.

"It's okay, Tommy, I'm here." He whispers comfortingly.

"Tell me Tom! You've left me again!" She screams, yet I manage to take in a deep breathe and ignore her, just focusing on Newt and I.

"Again, Tom! Just like you wouldn't jump off that building with me! You coward!" She screams over and over, my head pounding.

"Newt, make her stop. Please." I mumble, burying my head I to Newt's shoulder, gripping him tightly, not wanting to let go as Teresa screams at me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, forcing them closed, blocking out all senses.

Until suddenly it all stops, silence.

I cautiously open my eyes, Teresa isn't anywhere to be seen.

She's gone.

Later that evening, I'm lying on my back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, alone. Not even Teresa is here to make my life worse.

Since Newt's just been released from hospital, we haven't had chance to request a dorm together yet.
The more time I spend with him, the more I miss him when he's not with me.

Coincidentally, I swear I can here Newt's voice outside in the hallway.
Checking the digital clock by my bed, it reads 20:59.

1 minute till lights out.

I quickly open my door, peering out to see Newt and Minho talking in hushed voices.

"It's all set right?" Newt raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, no worries" Minho shakes his head, yet looking terrified.

"Newt!" I hiss, as he begins to walk away from Minho.

Newt rushes over to me, a smile spread on his face from ear to ear.

What's going on?

"Tomorrow, Tommy." He beams, nodding.

"What about tomorrow?" I frown, unable to think of anything.

"I'm gonna get out of this hell hole."

sorry I haven't updated in a bit
Sorry this chapter goes from good to crappy, it's late and I'm tired.

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