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Gigi's side of the bed was empty when I woke up and the early afternoon sun was pouring through a crack in the curtains. I squinted as I sat up and stretched. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and wandered into the kitchen, Gigi was sitting at the breakfast bar,
"Morning," I sat on the stool opposite her and rested my head on the counter,
"I'm gonna jump in the shower babes," She yawned, standing up. I nodded, and unlocked my phone as she got up and made for the bathroom.

There was a text from Cara, a long one. Apologising. I skim-read it and messaged back quickly, accepting her apology. I sighed, a new message made my phone vibrate almost immediately after I'd sent my reply. Cara.
*see you on tuesday <3 x*

Fuck. The fashion show. In two days. I thought I'd be able to get the fashion show out of the way, and then think of a way to tell Cara. Sighing again, I typed a reply, I was going to have to tell her, I just didn't want it to be that night. The next couple of days were a blur, a blur of castings and awkward small talk with Gigi's friends, usually drifting onto the topic of my relationship. I mumbled, smiled and nodded a lot, those two days.

The day of the fashion show arrived, my nerves were ridiculous, mainly for the show, also partly because I knew what I had to do after it. Gigi was having some friends over and we were having a sort of after-party at her place. I went through hair and makeup, the model holding room, was hectic. Tall, beautiful girls, everywhere. A blur of pink and white silk robes. Overwhelmed would be an understatement used to describe how I felt.

It came my time to walk, as I began my walk down the runway, I caught Cara's eye. She was screaming and cheering and dancing along to the music. I smiled, not just for Cara but for everyone watching and I focused myself on not falling over. Once I got backstage again, Gigi pulled me in for a hug. I was relieved but I couldn't relax completely, in fact I was worrying more about telling Cara after I'd walked.

I slumped down into one of the chairs, a few people came in and congratulated me and I, in turn, congratulated the other girls on their walks. The show ended, we took pictures, walked the finale. It went by in a blur, an overwhelming, worry-filled blur. I had to tell Cara that evening.

We went to the after party, I met Cara there, she congratulated me, we danced, we drank, it was as if nothing had happened and I couldn't have felt more guilty. The after party ended and we went back to Gigi's apartment, there was a whole group of us, people I knew,  people I didn't. I didn't take much notice. We got into a cab, Cara was holding my hand, it was sweating.

"Cara, I have to tell you something,"
"That doesn't sound good," She fakes a grimace, grinning at me afterwards,
"Umm- it's not," I bit my lip, she furrowed her brow, "I um- kissed someone,"
Tears sprung to my eyes,
"Who?" She asked, I didn't say anything, "Umm Gigi," I confessed,

She didn't look angry, hurt if anything,
"I'm sorry," I whispered,
"You know what?" She started, "We'll talk about this later, I'm jet-lagged to the high heavens and I cannot fucking deal with this right now. Let's just ignore it for now and just pretend nothing's gone wrong when we get in,"

She turned away from me and took my hand again, staring out the window. Not saying anything. Her grip on my hand was slightly tighter than before but not painfully tight. We pulled up at Gigi's place, we were the last to arrive. Everyone was already sat down in the living room by the time we got there, we came in as normal and sat down on the rug, Cara had her arm around my shoulders and we joined in the conversation, as if nothing had happened at all.

People were gradually starting to leave and the early hours of the next morning were passing by fairly rapidly, eventually it was just me, Cara, Kylie and Gigi left,

"I'm gonna call it a night," Gigi yawned,
"Me too," Kylie agreed, she was staying over at Gigi's place too,
"Are you two going to be okay on the sofas?" Gigi asked,
"Of course. You looked stunning tonight Gigi," Cara congratulated her, we said our good nights and Gigi and Kylie disappeared into Gigi's bedroom.

Cara and I sat in silence, it was horrible, I wanted her to get angry at me, I wanted to argue with her, because then we can sort this out and go back to normal, but this silence. It was horrible. Cara laid down on the sofa, facing in towards to sofa's back and pulled the throw around her.

"Cara, please," I pleaded, "Talk to me, just rant at me, cuss at me. Cara I'm sorry, please,"
I was close to tears, and my voice cracked as I tried to beg her, the more I tried, the more I was starting to get frustrated, there were tears running down my face and I was almost shouting.

"Cara, I made out with my best friend! Come shout at me, just please, talk to me!" My voice was getting louder, the alcohol I'd drunk throughout the night, making me slightly bolder than I'd probably have been sober.
"I love you Cara! Please!" I near-on yelled,

Cara stood up, and put her finger on my lip, she put her arm around my neck, and started kissing me, an aggressive passionate kiss. She pinned me down on the sofa and straddled me,
"Fuck- you - Kendall," She breathed, as we both struggled for air, she slipped my pyjama top over my head, she planted kisses all down my body as I arched my back, it was rough, but - oh my god - it was brilliant.

Cara worked her way down, slipping my pyjama bottoms off in the process. She kept going, I was getting nearer and nearer to my climax, I cried out and she covered my mouth with her hand. I convulsed beneath her, falling limp as she finished me off.
"I'm so sorry Cara," I whispered, between deep heavy breaths she laid back on the sofa, next to me, she brushed my hair out of my eyes, strands of it were sticking to my slightly damp forehead,
"Was she better than me?" She whispered back,
"No, god no! It was awful, like kissing your sister. I'm not a cheater, Cara, it was a one-off thing. I was lonely and she was just there, I'm so sorry," I rambled on, getting my self worked up again,
"Shhhh," Cara put her finger against my lip and put an arm around my shoulder,
"I forgive you," She whispered in my ear, and onto her side, "Night Kendall,"

I laid there, for a few minutes, I couldn't sleep. It was a mixture of relief, and being overwhelmed. I wriggled out from beside Cara, and gently eased myself off of the sofa. I slipped my hoodie on and made my way out to the balcony. I sat down, in one of the patio chairs, Gigi had out there. It was fairly chilly out there, but not unbearable. The city was ablaze with lights, even at that hour. I heard a door creak open behind me,
"Ken?" I hear my sister say,

She sat down in a chair opposite me,
"What are you doing out here?" She asked,
"I couldn't sleep,"
"Neither could I," She took my hands, and held them on top of the table,"Were you and Cara arguing earlier,"
"Oh- um yeah,"
"I umm- kissed Gigi,"
"She said. Are you okay now though?"
"Yeah, I think we are,"

Kylie nodded, still holding my hands. I'd missed my sister, a lot, we sat in silence for a little while,
"You and Cara, will be fine. You always are."
I smiled at her, and looked out at the city,
"You've um- got a little - uh hickey. Like right on your neck."

No Homo?| [CaKe: Cara and Kendall] | LGBT GXG |Where stories live. Discover now