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Cara's POV.
Kendall fell asleep in my arms, she'd had an argument with Kris and Kylie and had practically cried herself to sleep. I thought about Kris being annoyed at Kendall and basically being a bit of a homophobe all for the sake of a reputation.

I heard my front door slam and figured that, that was Kylie storming off out. It was only 10 AM but a whole load of things had already happened in the short time we'd been awake. I laid with Kendall, just thinking, until she eventually woke up,
"Ugh," She groaned, stretching,
"Rough sleep?" I asked, chuckling,
"Mmhm," She agreed,

She moved so she was laying next to me, our head's touching, she felt around for my hand under the cover and grasped hold of it when she finally found it.
"Kylie went out," I told her,
"Not surprised," She answered "She's a bitch,"
"She's your sister," I teased, "And the sooner you two sort this out, the better"

She playfully punched me on the arm, I poked her back and she tried to pin me down but I twisted my legs around her and reversed it. Both of our eyes, swimming in small lakes of happy tears from our laughter, we both collapsed back into the bed, panting. I looked over at Kendall, her deep brown eyes alit with excitement and her smile,fuelled by joy, was wide and unfiltered. We were living for the moment, for each other. We were ignoring the paparazzi and the fame and everything else but ourselves.

"Let's go out," I suggested,
"What tonight?" She asked, as if she didn't believe me, "Clubbing?"
"Mmhm, unless you're too much of a lightweight?"
"I could drink you under the table, Delevingne,"
"You're on Jenner,"

We carried on with our day, passing the time by doing nothing. Kylie didn't come back until just before we were about to leave, we were standing in the kitchen, pre-drinking when Kylie walked in, Kendall ignored her,
"Where are you two going," She asked,
"Clubbing," I answered,
"Oh, by the way Kendall try not to start crying tonight, emotions ruin your makeup,"

Kendall sighed, rolling her eyes and picked up her bag which was lying on my kitchen unit,
"Ready?" She asked,
"Ready," I put my arm around her waist, we walked out and got a cab, we didn't care about the public finding out about us.

The second we entered the club we were blinded by a kaleidoscope of drunkness, bright lights and extremely unsexy dancing. We bought ourselves drinks and sat down in a booth, the club was boiling hot and both of us were slightly red in the face even though we had only stepped foot within the door about fifteen minutes ago.

We sipped our drinks, neither of us were really too into it. We hadn't really fully recovered from last night's drunken antics, I could see Kendall was bored already.
"I'm bored," I said, before Kendall could,
"Me too," She agreed,
"Should we just get completely shitfaced?" I asked,
"Yep," She laughed,

We pushed our way through the sea of drunk people and went and sat the bar,
"One round of shots, two slippery nipples and two glasses of vodka and coke," I said to the bartender, Kendall grinned at me.
We made our way through our cocktails, our shots and were sipping at our vodka and cokes within 45 minutes,
"I need to pee, Kendall," I declared,
"Go for it boo,"

I stumbled through to the club toilet and was greeted by a stagnant, pissy stench and a variety of fun objects strewn across the bathroom floor. I sat down on the cleanest toilet seat I could find, dropped by knickers and relieved myself, with the door wide open. My eyelids were growing heavy as I sat there and I felt myself fall forward my head on my knees.

"Cara? You've been in here for ages babe, where are you?" I heard Kendall say, waking me from my slumber, she looked slightly shocked when she saw the state I was in.
"Were you asleep!?" She asked, trying not laugh at me,
"I think so," I replied groggily,
"You might wanna pull up your panties babe,"

I pulled up my knickers and stood up, flushing the chain behind me I went over to the mirror. I tried to finger comb my hair, but it was thick with knots and whatever else,
"How do I look?" I asked Kendall,
"You look like a fucking scarecrow,"
"A nice scarecrow though,"

I sat down on a seat, Kendall was dancing around me trying to keep in time with beat of the music and failing, quite miserably. She walked in front of me and tried to sexily grind on me, again failing quite miserably. She straddled me and I kissed her on the lips, she kissed me back her arms around my neck. Cameras were clicking around us but we didn't care, we were being reckless and having fun. I pulled away first, panting.

"Should we go?" She asked, taking hold of my hand,
We got a cab back to my house and made our way up to the bedroom, I slipped under the covers and fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up to a gentle tapping on my shoulder, I rolled over groggily to see Kylie, she was standing by the side of my bed, bags packed behind her,
"I'm leaving now Cara," She said, "Thanks for letting me stay here babe,"
"What? You're leaving?"
"Yeah babes, sorry about what happened the other day, tell Kendall I love her,"
"Okay hun, no worries" I sat up and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as she bent down to hug me,
"You might want this," She said, placing a newspaper down on the bedside table,
"Thankyou babes, have a safe flight,"

She blew me a kiss as she left the room and I heard the front door shut a few moments later, I picked up the newspaper she'd put on the bedside table, the front cover was adorned with a picture of me and Kendall. Kendall was sitting on my lap, our lips were locked. Oh fuck.

The headline read, 'Kendall on Cara, for real this time'. I didn't bother reading the article, I knew it would have spread all over the Internet by now. I sighed a heavy sigh and put my arms around Kendall, I closed my eyes and managed to drift into a light sleep. I was awoken by Kendall stirring,
"Morning babe," I said,
"Morning," She replied groggily,
"Kylie's gone home, she said she loves you and she's sorry,"
"Cool," Kendall wasn't bothered at all,
"Umm you might want to see this," I reached around, grabbed the paper and handed it to her.

She sat and read the cover, she sighed and placed the paper down,
"They were going to have to find out sooner or later, weren't they?" She said, a tinge of fear and sadness in her voice,
"Yeah," I agreed,

She didn't respond but she turned onto her side and buried her face into my shoulder,
"How about we go out and get breakfast?" I suggested,
"Can you?" Kendall whined,
"Lazy," I teased, "I suppose so,"
She looked up at me smiled, "Thankyou Cara,"

I slid out of bed, brushed my hair and shoved a beanie on. As I left my flat I was greeted by a stampede of paparazzi, I pushed my way through them and walked along to the cafe at the end of the road, I ordered our food and fought my way through the ocean of flashing lights and strange men to get to my own front door.

When I got back to my bedroom there was no sign of Kendall. I checked the balcony, she wasn't on there, checked downstairs, not there either. I called out to her trying to locate where my girlfriend had gone missing to in the short twenty minutes I'd left for.

I checked the bathroom, door was locked, I tapped it with my knuckles,
"Kendall?" I said leaning on the door, "Are you in there?"
"Yeah," Her voice was thick and cracked slightly as she spoke,
"Kendall what's wrong? Let me in,"

I heard the lock turn and opened the door to bathroom, Kendall was sitting on the floor, I put my arms around, she was shaking, hard. Her tears had already soaked through my jacket,
"Cara," She sobbed, looking up at me, tear stains marked her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy "We can't be together can we?"

I felt tears prick my eyes as she said the words that I knew were inevitable but I never wanted to hear escape her lips, I didn't reply. I bit my lips so I wouldn't break down aswell,
"I need to leave Cara," Kendall sobbed,
"Kendall," Was all I managed to say, I gave up trying to fight back the tears,
"I love you Cara," Kendall whispered into my ear, she planted a kiss on my cheek and I heard her gather her stuff from my room.

I didn't say anything back, I just sat there, crying, on my bathroom floor. The more I thought about what had happened, the more I cried. She was gone and I knew it would take a miracle to get her back.

No Homo?| [CaKe: Cara and Kendall] | LGBT GXG |Where stories live. Discover now